Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Busy, Too Busy

 Another cold morning and when I got up to the truck to change the hitch and hook it up the 2 horse trailer the dew was so heavy on the windows, mirrors and back up camera it took an extra long time to get that job accomplished. It entailed climbing in and out of the truck about 6 times to get it lined up perfect. The truck was backed into the barn and the barn doors shut around it and only then did I get Madiera and her colt. They were led into the indoor arena and up to the trailer. Madiera walked right in but her colt did not. Mark came about then to help. Between the 2 of us we got him walking in quietly. I pulled out at 7:31 am for Madiera's 8:00 am appointment at the vet clinic. We arrived at 8:02 am but it didn't matter we were late Dr. Hoerr was working on an emergency. Madiera was fine with staying in the trailer with her colt.

When it was her turn she didn't want to go in the stocks but her colt did. He ended up standing in the front while she was half in and half out.
Below Dr. Hoerr is checking her out. All is well, hopefully she will conceive from the last cover.
The truck needed gas on the way home and Morton's gas is a bit cheaper than Hanna City's gas so filled the truck while in Morton.
When I got back Madiera was teased and she said, "no very strongly."
She and her colt were put back then Leah brought out. She is in her foal heat. I'll get her covered tomorrow. Mom, Aunt Jinnie and Diane were out on mom's deck.
 Diane decided to go down to the beach and start putting away the beach toys and turn the canoes upside down. 
Columbus day is coming up so more than likely people will come out to use the canoes for fishing but the lake will probably be too cold to swim. Amy arrived with some delicious goodies. Her special lemon bars and those yummy caramel m&ms.
David is working on repairing mom's soffit where the raccoons got in last spring.
Below he is cutting a very important board.
The board fit exactly.
Mike is working on a new project. This one is going to be in real demand. More on this in days to come but the work he is doing is impressive.

Dan is working with him on this project. When it is up and running I'll explain what they are building and those who want to live off the grid will be very interested. 
Mark and Mackenson were playing with the cement again. 

While they were working with the concrete I was mowing the field where the wedding will be held on Saturday. That didn't take very long, we have a VERY fast big mower. I put the mower back away at mom's but when I did had to take the picture below of all the gas cans in mom's garage.
Crazy but that isn't even all of them there were 2 more on the desk.
Madiera's colt were taken out to get a few pictures and a short video.

Oliver was in the arena with Madiera and he had to show off too.

They were put away before I went down to the house. There was a box waiting with my name on it. 
300 paper plates! I didn't order paper plates so was wondering why Mark would order them.
When he came in he knew nothing about them. What a mystery. We will use them at the barn unless who ever sent them needs them and for some reason sent them to us.  If they are for us THANK YOU! We go through a lot of paper plates at the barn. 
We left for church at 6:05 pm. Gregg Rumbold had the message on Philippians 3 Click HERE to watch that message. The ICC Bradley young group were in Peoria church tonight and after church all went over to Joan's house for fellowshipping food and games. Today was a busy day.

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