Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hog Roast Day

 I slept in until 6:00 am as most of the work to prepare for the hog roast was finished yesterday. After breakfast I made a batch of candied pecans to go on the top of the pumpkin dump cake. That should have been made and applied to the dump cake while that was still warm but I was too tired to stay up and make the pecans so just crumbled them and sprinkled them on the desserts once they had cooled down. The airbnb guests met Mark as he was up feeding the cat. Mark had a good visit with them as they were loading their car and getting ready to leave. They had been driving for 9 hours yesterday and were very glad for such a comfortable place to crash for the night. Just as they were pulling away I got a notice the apartment booked again for today and they wanted to move in early. I went straight up to the apartment and got the laundry started both up there and down at the house and was able to have everything done by 11:00 am. Ruth was with mom so I drove over there to visit a bit. Mom, Aunt Jinnie and Ruth were out on the deck enjoying the beautiful weather. By the time I got home the guests had arrived so I took them around to meet the horses. Leah was a favorite. 

I invited them to the hog roast and they said they would come but I don't think they made it. Mark picked up the pig at 4:00 pm. The only problem was they forgot to send the head with the pig. That was too bad as the head is the centerpiece. Spark and Fedi went right to work cutting it up and filling crockpots and roasters with the delicious meat.
Tim brought over a helper for Fedi.
I thought we were supposed to eat at 4:30 pm but most of the guests were told 5:00 pm so we waited as we didn't want to start without all the food those guests were bringing and WOW did they ever bring the food. We had 4 tables each 8 foot long for food and had to find another table as we couldn't fit it all on those 4.

We had 4 lines to help get people served quickly but the problem was everyone wanted to check out all 4 tables.
There was plenty of seating with people using both the gym and the living area.
I put my phone down and forgot where but was too busy to even think about pictures until the meal was over then took a few of people visiting. Karin thought mom should come home by 7:00 pm but mom wanted to stay until 7:30 pm. Karin teased her about that and told her she was going to be grounded for staying out so late. Of course we all laughed.

At 7:00 pm Skip and Dave led the singing. Skip brought copies of songs that we all knew and enjoyed.
Below was the first song as people were making their way to the chairs.

I only recorded 2 of them as the phone was almost out of battery. Below is the second song.
After the singing David gave a message on feasting and the wonderful feast waiting each Christian at the marriage supper of the Lamb at the end of this age.
After the talk I had a lot of help cleaning up.  David and Stephanie, Philip and Anna, Lee and Rhoda, Nolan,  Diane and Mike, Amy, Beth U and so many more. We were done and out of the barn by 8:30 pm. What a wonderful evening. 

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