Sunday, October 6, 2024

Another Good Sunday

 My eyes opened exactly at 5:00 am and when I walked into the kitchen was pleased to see the coffee was done, ready and hot. Mark started it early. After downing a nice big mug I took the golf cart over to the barn to check on the fridge. We put pork in the fridge that was still pretty hot. It was reading exactly where it needed to be 34 degrees. I placed half of the bags in the freezer, they were given out tonight, 3 bags were for mom's house (one was a frozen bag for Leona as she didn't get to come yesterday) Aunt Jinnie will take that to quilting on Thursday. I knew Joan was out of town and Joan asked me if I would take Berlica and Mackenson to church if Faith went to Taylor for the weekend so when Mark walked I asked if Faith's car was at Joan's and he told me, yes it was there.  When we got ready to go though I thought I'd better call her and make sure she was taking the kids. There was no answer but just then Joan sent a text asking if I remembered the kids. Yep, we were just a few minutes late and  made it into the sanctuary in plenty of time to sing. Ruth had already arrived with mom and Aunt Jinnie and Nancy was sitting next to Ruth. I wasn't sure who brought Nancy and she didn't tell me so Thanks to whoever that was. With Joan gone Nancy missed going to Sunday School. I only found out later Sarah took Joan's place teaching and would have taken Nancy but didn't realize she was there. Tim Funk had the morning message on Judges 17 and 18 when everyone did what was right in their own eyes. The story of the Micah that steals from his mother then returns the silver and she has the refiner make a couple idols. The Micah hires Jonathon who he calls a Levite to be his priest. Some men from the tribe of Dan come and ended stealing the idols AND the priest all to try to be blessed by some dumb idol. Tim finished up with with Romans 1. To watch this message click HERE.  David had the afternoon message on Fasting. This was quite different from the message last night but really really thought provoking. I never realized that fasting was a tool to humble us. This is another message I really need to listen to again and you can watch it by clicking HERE. Great news today was happened on the way out of church. That very talented nameless IT guy at church asked if I got the computer fixed. When I told him no, he knew not only where to find one but exactly which one I needed AND picked out a new monitor. He sent all the information by text and made it idiot proof. Mark ordered the equipment and it will be here in FOUR days. That is only part of the good news the best part about the great news is this same talented IT guy is willing to take the old hard drive out of the old broken computer and put in in the new computer when it gets here. We just have to drop it off at his house. It really is WHO you KNOW in this world. The sad part about the who I know is I never thought to ask.  We have the best resources if we just ask. Another amazing lesson today.  We took Mackenson and Berlica home then stopped at the apartment to check it out as our guests had left. They left the apartment in excellent shape. I was glad as we have someone else coming in tomorrow. Mark cleaned up a lot of the grease that was spilled on the floor during the pig roast while I heated up leftovers. Nolan made the comment that the pork was even better today and I had to agree. We divided up all the leftovers saving a couple bags for Joan as she wasn't able to be at the hog roast. After dinner we all ended up at the playground to join the volleyball players, their wives and children. Those first and second cousins have the best time playing together. 

Mike and Diane sent a video they took from Middle Grove. When they got there they called and they all come running.

Madiera needed to be teased and covered today so I decided to bring the cabin horses over to get that job done. Usually I lead Leah and the rest follow but today just Oliver followed, Madiera ran right over to Evan and started showing. Mike brought his 4 wheeler over, haltered Madiera while I put Leah and Oliver away. Once Madiera's colt was put away Mike tied Madiera up and I brought Valiant over. She will be written down as covered but I'm a little worried what happened with Lily this year may have happened with Madiera. It could have been a difficult birth with tearing then when it healed it may have closed up her uterus. I'll need to see if I can get her in to the vet clinic to be checked out.
Mike put her back while I put Valiant back then went back to the playground. Below is a short video of some of the fun.

I took Nancy home then stopped by the barn to make sure the food was all put away. I brought back 2 potatoes that will be fried up for breakfast. Another good Sunday.

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