It rained during the night and we had an inch of rain in the gauge this morning. I'm not sure when it started but it was a soft much needed rain and all of it soaked in.
Mark went over to feed the cats and dog at Joan's house when Joan called needing me to get the keys to the storage facility in Hanna City and meet a man to open his units. One of them had an extra key but the other had only one. The man took both and is going to make a copy and give the originals back to Joan. I made it home before Mark did from his walk and had breakfast waiting when he walked in. Today we needed to clean up the cement machine which meant taking it apart, giving it a good clean then putting it back together. It really did take both of us but by the time it was finished we were happy with the job.Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Trick Or Treat
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
No More Cement
We got going early with the cement mixer and only had a few problems during the entire time. We ended up using 67 bags of cement on this half and each bag weighs 60 pounds. That is over 2 tons of cement and each bag was picked up and dumped in the mixer and spread. Mark did most of the spreading while I did most of the dumping. Below he is bring out the first pallet of cement bags at the start of today's work.
Privately she sent: Judith, time at your farm was exactly what I needed after the very difficult weeks following my husband’s illness. It was beautiful, peaceful relaxing and I felt so welcomed there. It was delightful meeting your family on my farm tour, and it was so thoughtful of you to invite me to breakfast as well. I have really missed being around horses and horse people, it was truly a treat to spend time with Jamie and Ralph. Your kindness during my visit was so much appreciated, looking forward to coming back soon! Besides, I have fallen in love with Evan, can’t wait to visit him again 😍 Many thanks! Danni
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Big News Big News
We got an email this morning that the pallet load of concrete was to be delivered between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm today. Not long after reading that email Mark's phone went off at 6:30 am from an unknown number. He decided since he didn't recognize the number not to answer it. I had to remind him about the concrete coming so he called back and sure enough it was the truck driver bringing the concrete. He was on his way and the eta was 7:00 am. Mark gave him directions then took the golf cart up to make sure there was nothing in the way. The concrete was delivered, unloaded and the truck back on it's way in about a half hour. I had breakfast ready for him when he came back down to the house. I left for the Berean office at 8:00 am with 2 pecan pies. We had a good group of volunteers today and they were needed. We had 29 Bible requests and had to wrap more Bibles to get them filled. Below these 3 ladies had just come into this room as it was time for the prayer.
Just because there was no door is no reason to close the store. It happens to be our only store that carries some groceries and other necessities. Everyone that uses that store breathed a sigh of relief when it opened back up after a few hours. Big news big news.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Going LIVE
It was another chilly morning, yesterday my bare feet got so cold while cooking breakfast that today as soon as I got out of bed the insulated slippers were pulled out of the closet and put on. With Fedi still in the hospital there was no walk again. The picture below was sent yesterday but somehow I missed it so am posting it today. This is mom and Aunt Jinnie sitting on the swing on the porch of Lani Kai enjoying the view of the Gulf while Aunt Jinnie is reading to guest book to mom.
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Fantastic Sunday
Mark got up at 3:00 am as we went to bed really early last night after working so hard yesterday. I didn't get up until 4:15 am as the pot roast needed to be in the crock pot by 4:30 am. I was glad Mark had the coffee already started. We took it easy this morning spending a lot of time reading. The potatoes and carrots were added at 8:00 am. We had 3 full crockpots of meat, potatoes and carrots and ended up needing all 3. We needed to leave for church by 8:50 am so we could pick up Rhonda then drive to the Berean office to pick up 2 boxes of Bibles. Rhonda told us they needed Bibles for the jail. Randy and Kathy brought Nancy to church. She was so glad to see us when we walked in as we were a few minutes after 9:30 am. Nancy was so funny this morning, she was anxious to go to Sunday school and when the singing was over I took her up to go with Patty her teacher but I kept her bag. She brought a huge full heavy bag with her today. She reached the door to go downstairs, turned around and very loudly looked at me and said, You'l give it RIGHT BACK?" I had to assure her that I would give it back after Sunday school and then she willingly went with Patty. Caleb Plattner had the morning message on the tower of Babel but started the message on how buildings could be built for God (Like Solomon's temple) or for the wrong reason. If you want to watch this message click HERE. After the service I went down to her Sunday school room to pick her up for lunch. She was so pleased with her paper she colored and made a blanket for the baby in the basket AND she knew that baby's name, she was excited to tell me, "It's baby Moses!" The second service was the reading of the Fall Memorandum. Click HERE if you would like to watch that. That didn't last as long as a regular sermon so we actually made it home by 1:30 pm. As the meal was cooking in crockpots and there wasn't anything needing to be done I listened to Jeff Waibel give a message in Leo on Habakkuk 3. I highly recommend this message. I know I'll need to listen again. It was on fear, the response to fear. Click HERE to watch that. Joan sent some really special pictures from Gulf Shores this afternoon. Joan, Sarah, Ivan and Jacob were able to get mom up the stairs to her Lani Kai condo so she could enjoy the swing on the front porch AND check out the remodel job of that condo.