Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jessica's Wedding

We had a storm during the night but it only dumped about a half inch of rain. We don't need any more rain for a bit but I'm not going to complain after going through the drought a few years back.
The picture below came in from the owner of Fathom (the blind filly we named Helen). She is living in Colorado and is now 3 years old. The owner writes: "She takes my breath away!" She is also sure that Fathom can see at least some. We said the same thing even when the UofI vets gave us no hope. This filly never acted blind and she never ran into anything.
Mark and I left at 8:30 am to pick up Nancy in Morton before church. Joan and Tim were serving so helped with the roll trays until they finished then had to find a place in the sanctuary. Church was packed, in fact for the afternoon they had to put up chairs in the alcoves to fit everyone. Well over 1000 people were there. We had a visitor for the morning service. He read the story of the prodigal son but wanted us to focus on what the father did both for that son and the older son it was a good service for Father's day. Craig Stickling had the wedding service for Jessica and Austin. That was really neat. I just found out that Peoria is going to be on the all AC churches website so past sermons can be listened to. If you are an AC and have internet access you will want this link:  I'm not exactly sure when the sermons are uploaded but you will for sure want to listen to the wedding service from today and on page 16 is Fred Witzig speaking at our Vacation Bible School. Technology is amazing. This is so much better than radio, no commercials.
We came straight home after church. The Moser's were picking up their mare Isabella. She needed to be cleaned up and was hosed down to get any mud off then stalled. Of course the first thing she did was roll in the stall so when they arrived it looked like she needed another bath. Even before they were loading up I was back at the house and had changed back into church clothes so we could go to the wedding reception at the fellowship hall. The reception was beautiful. Instead of signing a guest book the guests were asked to sign a globe.
Jessica was a lovely bride. We stayed around until they left, or that is tried to leave. The car was covered in post-it notes.
That wasn't the worst, the horn was hooked up to the brake, every time the brakes were applied the horn would go off. Austin ended up circling the parking lot, then getting out, lifting the hood and fixing that. It was really funny to see them drive out the post-it notes were flying off the car like confetti. Dan and Susan were at the reception and offered to take Nancy home. A big thanks to them, that not only saves gas but more than an hour of driving. A very nice email was waiting this afternoon. Dee, the owner of Olympia writes:  Just got a quick picture of Olympia today after working with her. It really doesn't do her justice but thought I would send it your way. She is stunning.
Olympia is out of Jenis by Raven and yes we agree Dee, she is just stunning!

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