Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick or Treat

No hurry today, the feeding was done at a relaxed pace after the walk. I didn't have to go anywhere until 11:00 am. The horses were grained, water tank filled, buckets scrubbed, stalls cleaned and horses groomed. It is nice for a change to have time. Both Eliza and Jenis were tired this morning, they finished their grain but were in no hurry to do so. They both went out twice yesterday.
 Above is Sarah and Jenis and below is David Jacob riding Eliza and Caleb riding Jenis. 
Below Lee is riding Eliza while Rhoda is riding Ayanna. 
Ayanna is such a chunky mare she doesn't get any grain but if the other two expend energy we need to replace the calories spent with calories added.
Today was the doctor appointment to have my face looked at. The doctor took one look at my face and asked, "have you been to Florida?" The answer was, "nope, I just work outside a lot." Well unfortunately this spot on my face is considered precancerous and now I have to go to another doctor. Boy it's weird getting old, one just keeps getting shuffled from doctor to doctor. One wants to look at my heart, another my eyes and the third my face. Speaking of doctors, mom had to visit Pekin hospital today. She fell when she was in Gulf Shores and got a bad splinter in her hand. She thought she pulled it out but there must have been another one and it was big. She could press on the base of her thumb and the splinter would push up on the top of the pad of her hand. They removed it and let her bring it home to show the rest of us.
Anna brought the girls over. They had that Halloween routine down pat. Knock on the door and yell "trick or treat".
 They were given a bucket of candy to go through and choose how much and what ever they wanted. Aren't grandma's the best! Of course it helps that they were my ONLY trick or treaters and I was so prepared this year. One year Rachel's boys dressed up and came over and we found gum and mints to give them but that was better than what Mike and Diane gave out. They forgot it was Halloween and had nothing to give but frozen pizza's. The boys went home happy with that. 
 Taegan, pictured above is really happy but her mom had just told her to get back in the car and she didn't understand they were going to go get more candy from other people. Two year old Kensley thought she could eat everything right then and when her mom took the bucket away was not sure why.
 Sarah found Braelyn's beautiful Frozen princess dress. It came with a train that sparkled.

 The happy smiles came out when Anna had them loaded and on their way to knock on another grandma's door.
These pretty princesses love having 2 grandmas and 2 grandpas living so close.

John Honegger's Obituary

Diane told us about John Honegger's last couple days on the walk today. Below is one of the last pictures taken of John out here during the Sunday evening volley ball games going on golf cart rides with a 3 of his great granddaughters.
John Honegger, 81, of Peoria, Illinois, passed away peacefully Sunday, October 30, 2016 at OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria, after a brief illness. He was surrounded by his loving family. 
He was born on July 15, 1935 in Forrest, Illinois, the 13th child of Walter and Elizabeth (Moser) Honegger. He married his high school sweetheart Wilma Maurer on August 14, 1954. He was a devoted husband to his loving wife for 62 years, including the last 8 years that she has been residing in the Salem Wing of the Skylines Home. 
Also surviving are his three children, Jill (Bob) Gangloff, Michael (Diane) Honegger and Gina (Gary) Kempf. His family also includes nine grandchildren; Jenny (Billy) Schick, Luke (Amanda) Gangloff, Andrew (Rachel) Honegger, Adam (Kimberly) Gangloff, Tyler (Erika) Kempf, Ryan (Keighley) Kempf, Paige (Chase) Reatherford, Dane Kempf, Shannon Kempf (Caleb Brachbill, fiancé) and nine great-grandchildren, Willow, Ella, Tate, Camden, Irelyn, Cole, Crew, Abigail and Lennox. 
He is also survived by one sister, Donna Leman and numerous nieces and nephews who were special to him. 
John worked in sales his entire life including Fruehauf Trailer and Jim Hawk Truck Trailers before retiring. He enjoyed fishing, playing bridge, mentoring grandchildren and visiting with the residents and staff at the Apostolic Christian Skylines Home.
His faith in God was his foundation. He was a member of the Peoria Apostolic Christian Church and served in numerous capacities including Sunday School Superintendent and Church Trustee. 
Funeral services will be at his church at 10:00 am Thursday, November 3, 2016. The church ministers will officiate. Visitation will be from 4 until 7pm Wednesday at the Davison Fulton Woolsey Wilton Funeral Home in Peoria and from 9 until 9:45am Thursday at church. Burial will be in the Apostolic Christian Church Cemetery, near Edwards, Illinois. 
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Apostolic Christian Skylines.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

John Honegger

We left this morning for church with no idea what this day would bring. Greg Rumbold had the morning service which was Spirit filled then of course our typical noisy lunch hour. We made our way into the sanctuary for the singing when I noticed a text had come from Diane. Her father-in-law John Honegger was fading fast and the family had been called in. He had been taken to the hospital on Tuesday but we didn't know this was life threatening. Yesterday John was working on planning his wife, Wilma's funeral in case he didn't make it telling Mike and Diane, "You can do what ever you want with my funeral but I want Wilma to have happy songs." Wilma, his wife was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's at 61 years old. John was such an example of loving his wife through all these rough years to so many people. He passed away about 1:15 pm today with all the family around. We could hardly believe it and still have a tough time realizing this is true.
After church Rhoda and Sarah brought their husbands Lee and Nolan out for a trail ride.

If you would like to see the rest of these pictures click HERE.
The second trail ride of the day was scheduled at 3:00 pm. About 2:55 pm I got a call from Karin wondering where the horses were. She was pleased to find they were all tacked up and ready for the next group to head out.

To see the rest of the pictures from that trail ride click HERE.
Mark and I were invited over to Phil and Anna's for dinner tonight with the rest of the family. We were only missing Israel and Stephanie. Israel was not feeling well. Below is Jace playing with Sarah and Nolan's puppy.
 Tonight we were celebrating Taegan's 4th birthday and Kensley's 2nd birthday which we decided to do after the volley ball games at the playground. 

 When the games finally finished we went back to Phil and Anna's for the birthday party. Sarah is holding Elisabet in the picture below. David brought her to give Stephanie some quality time with Israel. 
 below Taegan and Kensley are getting ready to blow out their candles.

 The fab four waiting for cake and icecream.

The kids all stayed at Phil and Anna's to watch the Cubs play in the world series. They won tonight but the Indians lead the series 3 games to 2. This was a must win and somehow they pulled it out. Even mom was watching the game, not because she likes baseball but dad always rooted for the cubs. Sarah Reinhard posted: Watching the game tonight with Grandma, who isn't really a Cubs fan. Think she was watching it for Grandpa, who was, but she got pretty into it. She commented, "This is stressful! It's a good thing Grandpa isn't here to see this, he would just have a heart attack!!!" I blinked at her, then reminded her, he died 12 years ago, from heart trouble.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fall Trail Ride

It was chilly when we awoke, perfect weather to split wood and that's what we did most of the morning. Mark would split and I would stack. While waiting for him to build up a big pile the horses were fed and the water tank filled. Eliza and Jenis were in the stall eating and getting the mud knocked off when Diane arrived on her golf cart with two of her grandsons, Tate and Crew. Tate took Crew around on Diane's golf cart while we visited ending over at the playground. Mom and Karin came out to visit and Karin happened to have Studly's lion costume so we tried it on Emma. What do you think, Does she make a better looking lion than Studly?
Karin had a trail ride scheduled for noon today. She wanted 4 horses for this ride. The weather was absolutely  beautiful, 80 degrees, sunshine and a breeze. I needed to run to Sam's for groceries and was pushing it to make it home by noon when Karin sent a text that it would be more like 12:30 pm. Ruth rode Paris over to join this ride which featured Sarah Reinhard riding Jenis, Karin Meister riding Ayanna, Jessica Sauder riding Eliza, Anni Davidovics riding Oksana and Ruth riding Paris.

The horses and riders all did great. Even with the sudden gun shots going off when they were in the deep dark woods. The horses jumped but so did the riders. Thankfully none of our horses look like deer and the riders were pretty colorfully dressed.  If interested in looking at the rest of this trail ride pictures click HERE
The video below is of Angelica. This is Indy's daughter by Evan and is going to be very tall, well over 16 hands.  She is for sale and she is pretty special. Check out her movement in the video below but also check out how obedient and willing this filly is. 
She not only moves nice, she is going to have the extreme FEATHER so desired for all Friesians. She has a tremendous amount of feather at only 6 months old. 
 She pretty much accepted anything Rhoda asked of her, even giving Ruby a ride. 


Last night a mystery was solved, at least one part of the mystery but now I'm concerned we have ice cream melting somewhere in the house.  I had purchased Reese's peanut butter cups and Hershey's chocolate kisses for Emily's shower Thursday night last week and told everyone there I'm taking the left overs of the candy home for Berean. We have one volunteer who pretty much only will only eat chocolate...not that that is bad.. we are pretty sure she eats healthy at home.
Well when I found out I was having company Sunday I pulled out the bag of candy for dessert plus the big tub of Ice cream. Before we left for the volley ball games I was pretty sure I'd put the ice cream back in the in the freezer. Well Monday morning the freezer was opened to get out sausage for Mark's breakfast and the ice cream was not there. Just assuming someone borrowed it during the night I didn't think anything about it. But Tuesday morning when I went to put the candy in the car for Berean the candy was gone. Mark was asked if he knew where the candy was and he said no, he had no idea what happened. No problem who ever borrowed the ice cream probably borrowed the candy. Except last night Mark remembered that he hid the candy so he wouldn't eat it. I'm laughing as I typed this as only Mark would forget where candy is hid in this tiny house. Some of the candy was taken over for the Sauder's costume party and the other put away until Tuesday, that is unless we need it again for Sunday. All was good until I remembered the ice cream. That may be melting somewhere in the house. Last night was spent looking around for a big tub of melted ice cream but thankfully that wasn't found. Praying it never will be found. Mark brought home a new car last night which helped take my mind off melted ice cream. Spark called Mark when this 2014 Prius showed up at the car auction a couple weeks ago. Mark told Spark, "go for it" and gave him an amount to spend. Spark was the winning bidder. Now Mark won't mention how much it cost but it must have been a very good buy as I know my husband. He says it can be used to haul stuff, like feed, hay bales, Bibles but there is no way I'm hauling feed in that car. It still smells new.
 We now are a 4 Prius family. We have 2, Rhoda and Lee own 1 and Ben and Taunya own one.
Rhoda was here yesterday helping with the videos of the foals so three of them were pictured above.
Speaking of videos below is the video of Zalena's filly by Valiant.
This filly really is spectacular. Zalena, her dam is 17 years old so I think this filly would be an excellent replacement for her. Plus she can be bred to Evan when old enough. Now if someone really wants her they are going to have to pay the big bucks to get her after all everything has a price.
Below are a few pictures taken after the video was finished.
We were pretty impressed with her movement, the horses all came over to watch her too. 
 Jenis is pictured above, she was the first to arrive, Below Oksana is in the lead, Ayanna to the right of her, behind her is her mother Eliza, followed by Rosalie, her filly, then Ribbon and her colt. 

 When Rhoda got on the tramp and started jumping, instead of freaking out the filly went right over and thought she was suppose to get up there with Rhoda. Rhoda had to exit the tramp quickly. 

Our next job was to tease and cover Rosalie. She really didn't show until Evan mounted then did not stand well so I'm not sure she is really in. I'll have to try again today and see if there is any change. We have another beautiful Saturday here so I'd best get out and start working.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Costume Party Time

Rhoda came today to help with taking video's of 3 of the foals. The lady that bought Rosalie's filly wanted a video of her and today we got that done.

The link was emailed to her but we haven't heard yet if she got the video and if she likes what she sees. We usually don't like to video any of the foals until they are around 3 months old as that will show better what they will be like as adults.
Below are a couple pictures of her also taken today.

Indy's filly was pulled out of the paddock and she needed a bath. After the rain we had the last few days she was pretty muddy. After her bath she was put in the stall to dry out while Zalena's filly was taken out for a video and pictures. Below are a couple pictures of her. She is so very fancy I think we would like to keep her so tomorrow I'm going to post the video and new pictures on the website and up her price to $12,000.00. I think she is worth every penny. She has amazing movement and check out that neck.

By the time we finished with her Angelica (Indy's filly) had dried off, so she was taken out for her turn.
 This is a very hairy filly, check out the feather on her. 
 She is very sensible and pretty much accepted anything Rhoda asked her to do. But don't think by looking at the picture below this filly is trained to ride. 
When we finished Mom asked Rhoda to come over to trim Molly's nails. 

  When we arrived Karin was there working on her costume for the party tonight. She brought along her date for the evening, the invisible man.
Except Studly also wanted to go so he was dressed up as a lion. Below that vicious lion is attacking Rhoda.
After seeing Karin and the invisible man together we talked her out of going with him, he just didn't seem to have much substance, a total light weight and was terrible about carrying on a conversation. For sure not the life of the party. 
Rhoda and Karin worked on her new costume, she went as a lion tamer.
We picked up mom about 6:25 pm and headed over to David Jacob's house for the party. That was in full swing. To see all the pictures click HERE
This evening Sarah and Nolan brought Addyson and Jack over to trick or treat then headed over to the party too. We had a good time.