We have about a 10th of an inch of ice coating trees, roofs and our driveways tonight with snow predicted later and by the time we awake tomorrow it is suppose to be negative 3 degrees. This morning the shoes were fitted with the ice skids but even with those on it was hard to walk. Poor Darcy trying to get from the patio to the grass, her legs kept sliding out from under her. Mark had to help this old dog. The fire was kept burning all night and all day. A roast was stuck in the oven for supper. By the time it was done we had some, then sliced up a bunch and took it over to mom's for whoever shows up. It didn't take long for people to start arriving. Karin, mom and I started a game of Mexican train. Mark joined in when he made it over. Diane joined in when she and Mike came over then Rhonda joined the game when she and Spark finally made it. The last to arrive was Joan's daughter Sarah. All enjoyed the beef roast and mom's cookies. Mike took a trip to Middle Grove to move bales in and discovered Abigail on the wrong side of the fence. He said she was sensible and he was easily able to put her back with her mom. She immediately started nursing so we aren't sure how long she was separated. She is old enough to wean but we still don't want that to happen. Mike snapped a couple pictures of the horses waiting for him.

Notice Abigail nursing on Rosalie in the picture below. Abigail is the only foal left at Middle Grove.
When the weather improves next week we will be bringing Anna, Rosalie and Abigail home. The puppy buyers sent Karin a picture of the 2 puppies they are bringing home. They did not buy the Pug puppy. That puppy did not have any of his shots and Rhoda and Sarah cannot take a chance on bringing home Parvo as they bought the other two puppies. I haven't seen them yet but according to Karin the puppies are adorable. This evening trying to drive the golf cart back from mom's I was slip sliding along going sideways, doing donuts and even slipping backwards a few times. I was able to get it into the garage and on the charger but it wasn't easy. Not sure what tomorrow morning is going to bring but for sure this ice is not going to melt at below zero temperatures.
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