Friday, January 19, 2024

Jack David

 Today was another really cold day. We had 2 inches of new snow on the ground when we awoke but bitter cold temperatures. Each time there was a big gust of wind snow would come flying off the trees. Mark had the living room wood burner going but had used up most of the wood from both of them so the rec room wood burner was cold. As Diane is on her way to Gulf Shores and Joan had Co-op Ruth and I chose not to walk. Instead I left for Sam's club arriving there before 9:00 am. The roads were snow packed in our area but the interstate was open. On the way home from Sam's I stopped at the Hanna City post office to pick up the dustpan I ordered for the barn. This one is bright green and has a rubber edge so it will do a better job of picking up the debris and is so bright I'll easily be able to find it. That along with some of the groceries were taken right over to the barn. I brought home 10 pounds of hamburger to defrost for Sunday's dinner.  The snow is drifting there so hope it will be passable on Sunday. After the groceries were put away here I drove back in to Hanna City to the bank to get the 2003 truck title out of the safety deposit box. With the new snow we had 4 different people ask about it and one was coming to check it out. We had time to bring in more wood. Mark brought 4 cartfuls up to the sliding glass door in the rec room while I stacked. 

I turned the heat on in the apartment then headed up there with the golf cart. I didn't realize the snow was so deep and the golf cart got buried enough that it stopped. I think snow got in the gears and froze. It will probably end up staying up there until Sunday afternoon. 
The man arrived with his wife and 3 boys. The boys were a set of triplets and were going to turn 6 years old next week. That wife sure had her hands full. The man went over the truck with a fine tooth comb, even brought something to check out the codes and everything checked out just fine. But by the time he was finished we were all freezing. It was just 7 degrees outside. I had turned the heat on in the apartment so recommended going in there to do business. The boys were glad to get out of their car and into the apartment. I'll forsure have to mop the floor later as the snow had drifted about a foot above the apartment door. We had to climb inside. They bought the truck and drove it away. Mark thought we should take the cash right to the bank so drove in to Peoria to get that done then stopped at Aldi for a few more groceries for our house. We got home around 4:30 pm, made chili for our supper and have spent the evening trying to keep the house warm. At one point we were each standing in front of a fire, Mark at his end of the house and me at my end. I'm sure thankful for 2 wood burners.  It is currently 2 degrees and dropping and predicted to bottom out at  -8 by Sunday morning.  THEN comes the warm up. Sure hope the predictions of ABOVE freezing by Monday come true.  The BIG news in the Meister family was the birth of Jack David Sauder.
He was born at 8:43 am is 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19.75 inches long.
Congratulations David and Leah!

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