Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Surprise Birthday

The mares were put out early and the arena cleaned up before coming in to make breakfast for Mark.  Ruth, Diane and I walked, Joan needed to leave early as today is achievement testing for her children. After the walk I drove to mom's to help her get ready for our Berean day. We followed Diane to Zanes where she dropped off her car to get the snow tires off. As soon as she was in the van we were on our way to the Berean office and arrived 15 minutes late. Shirley met us with, "we are all done!" except they weren't they were only done opening the studies. We were kept busy today there with 89 Bible requests. If you would like to read about our morning there click HERE. Skip loaded the Bibles into the back of the wheel chair van and when we pulled in to the post office Mike showed up to help unload the Bibles. He and Diane carried them in. Once home Lily and Rosalie were taken out to the field.

Mike came driving up with the stock trailer. 
It still needs to be painted so Mike backed it into the barn. 
There are two wheels off because he will also need to do the wiring. Those were inside the trailer. We are so glad to have that back.  This is the best trailer ever for hauling mares and foals. When he left I noticed the manure spreader had a draft halter caught in the tines and that had to be removed. 
I had to take it all apart to get it out of there.
It couldn't be salvaged and was thrown away. The mares lose the halters in the fields then when we spread manure the spreader finds them for us. 
At 2:00 pm we had a surprise birthday party for Karin. Rachel brought over one of her gorgeous delicious creations. 
Below Diane is taking it over to show mom and Ruth.
Rachel set it up perfectly sending out a text asking if anyone wanted to play carbols at 2:00 pm so  Karin was expecting to play games when she arrived. She walked in was surprised to see us all waiting. We met her with a crown and flowers.
The party was fun.
I left a little early as the mares needed to be brought. Rosalie lost her halter somewhere in the field and it was another draft halter. I found a bright purple extra large horse halter that fit her and put that on to bring her in.
Mark stopped at Kroger on his way home and bought some fresh asparagus so that was cooked for supper and served with a grilled chicken salad.
After supper we went out to take the log splitter off the tractor and put on the road grader.
Above he is backing the tractor to put the log splitter up against the wall and below he is adjusting the grader once that was connected.
The drives are really too dry but he wanted to drive it a bit to get it adjusted to the right depth. That machine is very noisy.
I had just come inside when I got a message someone wanted to see pictures of the horse trailer. I took the car back up snapped these two pictures and by the time I got back they had already decided to come and were on their way.

They checked it over thoroughly and want to drive it first but believe they would like to buy it.  They are local, about 8 minutes from here so will come on Saturday to take it for a test ride. 

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