Sunday, August 18, 2013


Ken Hoerr had the morning service today speaking on hurting people and our hurting church. The plea went out to fast and pray for Peoria. It was a very touching service and I'm glad I was there. I tried to get a cd of it for Mark, he was down teaching Sunday School and missed it but all the cd's were already gone. If I can remember I'll sign up for it on Wednesday.
After church we ended up at the playground visiting with Joan and Tim's new renter. He is an interesting fellow, he is a converted Jew. Now that doesn't mean what we thought it meant, it means he converted from Christianity to Judaism.
We needed to get the old bale out of the Friesian paddock and give them a new bale. These girls are so spoiled. They weren't eating their bale very well. Mark put the claw attachment on the skid steer and took one good grab then hauled it to the cow pasture.
The cows were glad for this hay. The mares were given a bale from the Middle Grove farm. They love that hay and as soon as they were let back into the paddock all three dove right in.

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