Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday Morning

Only time for one cup of coffee this morning, the horses were waiting. The foals heard me open the grain bin and started calling. Once they were fed it was off to the farm where Raven was waiting both for grain and a new hay bale. Mike locked all the mares off the middle paddock, now that the sun is shining it is starting to dry up. By the way October broke ALL rain records for our area, we KNEW it was bad!
After our walk, Mike was waiting with the skid steer and moved in 3 new bales, one to Raven and 2 into the back field to make the horses leave the paddocks and go where it is dryer. I just need to get the bale rings back to the bales. Tomorrow if it is dry enough, I'll see if the skid steer can carry the rings back, right now the mud is too deep to roll them back. Back home put up 3 new ads and even paid for a couple, hope we have some interest, we MUST reduce our numbers.
This picture of Raven was taken the first time we hired a REAL photographer, Rachel had just started her photography business and we were pretty thrilled with her results.

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