The sunrise was so beautiful this morning that pictures needed to be taken. What a glorious gift to start the day.
Once the sun was a up higher in the sky the boys didn't spend long getting comfortable in the soft hay bed.

Yesterday afternoon the man from the windmill company came out to start getting the windmill running. He, Dan and Spark spent about 4 hours working on it before dark.

Today it is suppose to be finished and raised. We will all go watch this, of course today there won't be too much to see, there is no wind, it is dead calm this morning. Hopefully this afternoon the wind will pick up enough to get it rotating.
We are getting places with the farm house. Mark has been working each morning or evening with the destruction of the un-necessary walls and thinks by next week the new walls will be going up. The house is going to be beautiful with a more open floor plan. The cable company came out and marked the drive where the new cable will be going in a few weeks ago. Sure hope with the cold coming we don't have to wait until spring to get cable internet.
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