Rhoda and I had a nice lunch together on her lunch hour. We met at noon and she was back by 1:00pm. The library was the next stop where 7 books were checked out. Two by Terri Blackstock, 2 by Ted Dekker and the others by authors that look interesting. Once back Steven was there and more than willing to start moving round bales. We moved Airiah and Izadora into the first paddock with the deluxe shelter. The bale we moved in there was one of our best. The other paddocks we moved bales in were the middle paddock, the boys paddock and Raven's. Karin showed up to work Eliza so Steven pulled Jenis out at the same time. He worked on right lead canter while Eliza was just worked. She was anxious when Karin first started her but today Karin used a saddle and by the time she was satisfied Eliza was relaxed and doing well.

Eliza is such a beautiful mare but she won't be going to Springfield in March if she doesn't learn to ride quietly.
As long as Steven and Karin were still here I asked them to let Bow out for some updated pictures.

She showed off but it is almost too dark for the camera and it wasn't focusing as well as bright daylight. It is just such a dark dreary day.
We are all going to crowd into Joan & Tim's van for church tonight. That is 8 passenger and we have lots of people going from this area.
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