The choir sang 3 Christmas songs before Church started, then Mike Reiker had the service. It really is wonderful that God gave us His LIVING WORD. One of the AMAZING things came during the announcements. Tim announced ANOTHER engagement! Lawrence and Patty Knoblouch announced the engagement of their daughter Angela to Seth Hodel. That's FOUR wedding announcements in FOUR WEEKS! Once the service was over the Choir got back up and filled the church with the sounds of the Hallelujah Chorus with anyone wishing to joining in. It was hard to actually leave once everything was over.
Looking over the crowd, I realized sparkles were out! Wouldn't you know, the top I was so pleased at finding at a garage sale this summer must be out of style.
Once home the car was loaded with goodies and off we went to Ben & Taunya's for the Sceggel Christmas dinner. Below are pictures of this special gathering.
Addyson's anticipation was easy to see.

Finally was able to hold all three grandchildren at the same time.

Jack knows Sarah better than any of us, she lives in Bloomington and gets to be with him much more than we do.

Addyson is always glad to see her 'Aunt Rhodie'

Addyson's special present was a tricycle.

Jack loved his big toy and truck from Sarah.

And the happy grandchildren enjoying their evening.

The kids got together and gave Mark and very nice gift certificate to Herman Pond Management and me this:

This will work out in the barn, we will be able to see AND hear, even in the dark while we stay comfortably inside. THANK YOU, DAVID, STEPHANIE, PHIL, ANNA, BEN, TAUNYA, RHODA & SARAH!
We settled down for a delicious prime rib dinner then dessert specially baked by Anna. Below Dave and Stef are enjoying the coffee with that.

How blessed we are! We were born in America where we are free to worship how we choose, we have warm houses, plenty to eat, a wonderful family and GRANDCHILDREN!
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