Marvelous uses for Duct tape by Karin Meister:
If an arm or leg breaks out in poison ivy, duct tape it to where no air can reach the break out. Same with fingers and toes, According to Karin it will stop the itch.
Get kicked in the shin? Apply duct tape, it will help promote healing and stop the pain.
Fall off a 16 hand horse onto your rear end? Duct tape your (sorry for the bad word mom) butt. I'm not sure why on that one but this morning Karin reports she duct taped her's all up and feels better. The girls have their volleyball tournament tomorrow, it would be worth going just to see Karin walk in all duct taped up.
Probably the only item in Karin's medicine chest besides Aleve is duct tape.
Aren't home remedies fabulous?
Now a warning, the scammers are getting way more sophisticated. No longer is one able to tell a scam ad from a legitimate ad. In fact one scammer made a website on one of the free website sites, stealing most of the ads off of another real Friesian website. It almost looked the same, just a few differences and sure enough once checked out every horse they were selling was a scam. Friesian lovers, don't get scammed, don't send money without you or someone you trust checking out the horse and the horses papers.
lol! Didn't realize you would tell the world that I duct taped my backside! It REALLY does make it feel better, tho..