The winners of the tournament of the Elmwood Volley Ball league are pictured below.
Team Meister is now the GRAND CHAMPION of the league for the first time. The picture below was taken for the Elmwood news, sure hope they send in one a bit more in focus than this one.

Left to right: Tara, Karin, Rachel, Kari, Amy, & Rhoda. That is 2 aunts and 2 sets of sisters along with 4 cousins. Now how does that add up? Rachel and Karin are sisters and aunts to Kari, Rhoda, Tara and Amy. Kari and Tara are sisters. Rhoda, Amy, Tara and Kari are all first cousins.
The ended up playing 3 different teams, the games were best out of 3. The first team played Team Meister won the first 2, the second team they played again they won the first 2. The last team they played they lost the first game, then won the last 2. Congratulations girls well done. Just for the readers benifit, these girls have never played on a highschool or college team and yet they were playing against girls that played both high school and college. They either are lucky or talented, we will go with talented.
Braelyn came over this morning, as the apartment was cool a fire was started, then a chair needs to be put in front of the wood burner so she can't burn herself.

Braelyn enjoys pulling herself up on the sideways chair.
Steven arrived and pulled out Zalena for some work. Zalena was a little nervous on Saturday when the other horses were not in sight. He felt it would be good for her to work in the outdoor arena away from the other horses. She did very well.

He also worked Jenis, Ylse, Evan and Valiant.
Once Anna arrived to pick up Braelyn, I headed in to Meisters to pick up Mark for the Meister Christmas party shopping. We went to Sams and picked up $137.00 worth of goodies for the party tomorrow.
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