They didn't stay in bed long, as soon as Mark had the wood burner going well, Darcy pulls herself out of bed, walks the few steps into the living room and lays down as close as she can get to this wonderful heat producing machine.

Emma's favorite pose is below.

The sunrise was beautiful this morning.

Emma and Ebby found the remains of some hunters deer and were very proudly carrying the pelt and bones around on the walk yesterday.

Walking out of the apartment this morning there is the deer pelt right in front of the door, a bit farther and there is a rotting deer leg.
Dr. Hoerr is coming out this afternoon for ultrasounds on the outside mares. As long as he is coming we will have him draw coggins on Bow and Jakob. Jakob is sold and will be leaving for Texas and Bow may as well have hers drawn at the same time just in case she sells.
I'm heading in to work and will be sending waiting chaplains their Bibles by UPS. It is not raining and the boxes can sit on the loading dock today.
Dog Beds that are round are excellent for your canine friend that likes curling up and getting some shut-eye. Such beds are cozy and crafted with plush fabrics, select designs, and sinking cushion comfort. Your dogs will have no trouble curling up, snuggling in, and drifting off in a round dog bed. Besides, these dog beds are also specially-made for cutesy pooches who just love lounging in.