Emma can hardly wait for the walk each morning, yesterday she found another treasure to bring home.

Anna pulled up with Braelyn as the golf cart was being put away. That is always a treat. Braelyn and the dogs really like each other, specially when Braelyn is eating and wants to share!

Rhoda, Karin and Steven came in to work on our IL Horse Fair demo. They had some great ideas, finished making the jousting sticks, picked out the music and made the cd.

Steven helped move Jakob into a stall for the night, his first night to be away from his mom all night. Jakob is leaving for his new home Monday morning early.
Karin brought Eliza out, thought she would be fine and nope, Eliza had WAY to much energy and started bucking like a bronco. Karin ended up on the ground with her wind knocked out of her. We have some re-thinking to do about Eliza. That is not acceptable behavior. Karin went to get Ribbon out for vaulting and Ribbon took off galloping around in the paddock. Ribbon NEVER gallops so perhaps it was something with the weather.
Michelle brought Shaeya over for vaulting and Braelyn was so glad for the company. Grandparents get to be pretty boring.

Friday was a fun but cold day, today is suppose to be 40 degrees with some sunshine. The demo riders are suppose to be here from 9:00am to 2:00pm for the demo practice and video taping. Let's hope ALL of the horses behave!
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