All 3 of the HorseMeister trainers were here yesterday at the same time. Left to right is Karin, Jenis, Zalena, Rhoda, Ylse, Eliza and Steven. I was blessed enough to spend some time watching and listening. It is really amazing to see and hear these three people discussing their reasons for what they are doing with each horse. Eliza was so good and relaxed after being worked 3 days in a row, she stood quietly for the picture below:

Steven's dog Kylee loves to be part of the excitement and was more than willing to jump up onto the mare when asked. Karin reported that Eliza was almost lazy today, quietly doing everything asked. Even Zalena allowed Kylee to jump up on her.

Zalena is learning to bow when asked with no anxiety. Rhoda is quite the trainer, she decided to teach Darcy the Spanish Walk. How do you think she did on her first try?
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