Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Family Night

 Mark was up before 5:00 am so I asked him if he would remove the ground beef from the fridge so it would defrost better. It was still pretty frozen when I put it in the fridge last night. Mark had a different breakfast this morning Ralph and Jamie gave us a jar of pickled beets from Christ orchard so he had a few of those, we had an avocado that needed to be used and we had just a little yellow pepper left so those were added to his eggs, sausage and biscuit. The eggs were cooked over medium with some cheddar cheese sprinkled on top. He ate it all.

 This morning before the walk the horses were up grazing but I only saw 4 of them. 
when We got back from the walk they were still in the same area but Dancer had joined them.
I gathered up all 8 of my crockpots then took the golf cart to Joan's house and borrowed hers before the walk and after the walk borrowed Diane's. They were all lined up on two tables in the house for filling.
 I didn't start cooking until after the walk. John had a knee replacement this morning in Florida so we were waiting to hear how that went. When Beth sent through the text at 1:51 pm : John is out of surgery and the doctor said it went well, we were all relieved. Joan took mom to Bible study today. Diane was supposed to relieve her but Rhonda needed a ride to Pekin for her eye appointment and Diane was the only person available so Joan stayed until Karin got back.At 11:00 am the airbnb guests left from the apartment and the next one was coming in at 3:00 pm. The crockpots were all filled and on low so for the next few hours I got the apartment cleaned and ready then had to get the Wildcat ready for the guests coming in for 4 days. By 1:00 I was ready to drive to Sam's club to pick up the French bread, dessert, fruit and water for tonight's meal at the fellowship hall. That was all dropped off at the fellowship hall before going home. Mark was here when I got home and helped load the cars. We needed to take both cars as both were filled with food. I was able to fit 5 in my trunk and 5 in the back seat.
The reason I made 10 crockpots full of lasagna was the last time I served family night dinner I made 8 crockpots full and ran out. Today I was determined not to run out. Well this time I had 5 left over. Go figure! All of the extra found homes so we didn't have to take any leftovers home. David, Mike, Mackenson and Berlica helped set up the chairs for tonight's talk. Stephanie, Diane and Joan helped get the food prepared and outside and kept refilling anything that needed refilled. Below Diane is mixing up the salads while Joan is cutting the pies.
Ted Witzig Jr had the message tonight. If you would like to watch that click HERE. It was good to be there. 

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