Her grandson Tate was over and allowed to ride his bike to the stop sign and back. Not many people put up stop signs in front of their driveways.
On the final round Steven had the mares out grazing while he was cleaning their paddocks. Ylse's filly is having the best time running around while Izadora's colt is watching in amazement at her ability to gallop.

The pictures below that Rachel took yesterday are fantastic. These are just a few, the rest have been placed on either Izadora's page or Ylse's page on the website.
Below is Izadora's colt born on October 15th, 2010. Only a few days older than 3 weeks and he is such a chunky photogenic boy. He will look more like Raven when full grown than his year old brother.

The picture below is of Aragon, the full brother to the colt in the picture above.

Rachel got a shot of Izadora and her 2 sons by Raven in the picture below.

The pictures of Ylse and her filly are outstanding. Below is my favorite.

The rest of the pictures can be seen on the horsemeister website.
At work today the phone rang and rang. Each time I must step out of the office to hear. We work in a metal building and the cell reception is very bad. The weather is so nice I didn't mind at all stepping outside. Still even with all the interruptions we finished before lunch.
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