Today Fred Funk had the morning service and opened to Job 39. I can picture Raven, his arched neck clothed with the thunder of his thick mane. His distended nostrils as he screams at the mares when he is showing off, the no fear and fierceness as he pounds the ground with his strong hooves. Isn't it amazing how God describes the horse.
We were blessed to have Craig Stickling give the afternoon service. He gave us another view of Judas, one we don't usually think of. Instead of thinking only of the betrayal, we heard how disappointed Judas was that the man he thought was to be king, to scatter the Romans out of Israel was instead telling people to love their enemy. And Peter, Craig got choked up speaking of Peter, how after denying Christ the third time the look he got from Jesus. Do we get that look? Every time Craig speaks we are convicted.
We barely made it home when our Indiana guest pulled up. They didn't realize about the time change. They gave me time to change and off to the farm we went.
Steven called as we were driving, Izadora's colt tried to go under the gate and got stuck. This time at least the gate could be opened. The mares were brought out and Jenis is lame on her left front. Her fetlock was a little swollen, no heat but she is definitely sore on it. Mike and Steven were busy working on installing the automatic waterer for the yearling paddock. Tomorrow the boys come back!
We finished up at the farm and headed to Bridlewood to visit Autumn and the barn horses. There was a group of men here installing a shelter for the lower arena so it can be used as an all weather turn out. Great idea!
Our guests left and the next group came. Rhoda, Ben, Taunya and Addyson along with Tom Kellenberger came over to play with Rhoda's new game.

Ben and Tom were really into the game.

They all took off and left Addyson with us, they are picking up Old Chicago Thai pizza for dinner.
Our Indiana guests sent me a text on Izadora's colt, what about the name Grayson? It kind of makes sense, Tarzan's name was Lord Grayson, Tarzan could swing through the air and escape about any trap. This boy sure tries to escape his paddocks by crawling under gates, he hasn't yet learned to jump OVER them.
Thanks so much for the fieldtrip, the girls talked about it all the way home, we spent 7 hrs driving today and it was worth it, thanks for your hospitality!! The girls are talking about getting jobs and how long it would take them to buy a Raven filly LOL, we may not live that long, we would love to come stay in the cabin and trail ride with you guys sometime. So glad you like the name Grayson. Hope to talk to you soon! Thanks Tabatha