As the ceilings are 9 feet high, very carefully pulled up a chair,quietly sneak up on the bat, push the broom with the curtain onto it, wrap the curtain around the bat, go to step off the chair forgetting how high it was and drop the curtain. Quickly the curtain is pushed around so the bat cannot escape except for some reason I can't see the bat through the curtain. After a careful closer look I realize the curtain is EMPTY! My first thought was the bat must have fallen into the sink. There are some coffee cups and a few plates in the sink and it takes courage to look into them but they are all empty, then the floor is searched and no bat. All of a sudden the thought comes into my mind it must be ON ME! I run to the mirror and don't see anything, the zipper on the stifling winter coat is stuck and I'm frantically trying to remove it. When it is finally off there is still no sign of the bat. Do you know what's worse than a bat looking down while cooking? It's KNOWING there is a BAT in the KITCHEN but not knowing WHERE IT IS!! Time to finish the apartment and move out except Now we'll never be able to sell this house. Both dogs have had their rabies shots so they were let into the kitchen to see if they can find it but no luck.
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