Mark started working on filling the porch with wood and even though I know I'll get poison ivy by helping I just couldn't see him doing it all himself when I'm the one that LOVES sitting by the fire.

Once the porch had enough wood for at least a month it was time to move the old wood burner which is going into the Horsemeister office. It is made out of cast iron and so heavy I didn't think the 2 of us old folks could actually get it in the truck but with Mark where there is a will there will be a way.

Once the burner was in the truck I left for Aldi where I spent $97.00 on groceries, then down to TSC where 3 heavy duty gates were purchased along with 20 bags of feed. Steven Marchal met me there with his monster truck and took the supplies to the farm.
Karin, Rebekah and Anni had already shown up and were working on the shelter.

We started digging the holes for the paddock while Anni and Rebekah worked on the shelter with Mike.

This next picture has a story. We dug the hole, set the pole and realized we were too far away from the post. Karin is filling the hole back up on top of the 80 pounds of sacrete we poured into it. At least we were able to pull the post out before it hardened.
Steven was working on setting the middle post in the shelter and smashed is finger, it was turning blue before our eyes so we sent him over to mom's for ice. He was back to work quickly.

Below Karin and Steven are stringing out the paddock.

After working a few hours, Mike drove back with drinks for all so we took a much needed break.

Anni and Rebekah finished laying the tar paper for the roof and were ready for shingles, we took a break from digging holes to use the kubota to lift the shingles on to the roof for the girls. Both girls qualify now as roofers. They really did a good job laying them straight, checking with the chalk line every few rows. I am so proud of those girls!

I quit at 4:45pm to help Mark unload the cast iron wood burning and drag it into the office, then headed home to make dinner for everyone. Earlier 2 chickens were set to baking but we worked a little too long and they were kind of dried out so picked up food from Avanti's instead. But for dessert we had our first pumpkin pie of the season with french vanilla ice cream and decaf coffee. DELICIOUS!
I'm so thankful for the great help today, the shelter is up and the poles are set.
A special thank you to Steven Marchal, for picking up the gates and grain and the hours of labor. Mike for keeping us all working and fixing all of our mistakes, Karin for her strength and willingness to do whatever needed doing and Rebekah and Anni for all your hard labor and especially the roofing! THANKS SO MUCH!
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