The photographer was scheduled for 8:30am, Steven showed up to help groom the horses but we didn't finish with that until almost 8:45am. Rachel Sauder of momentscapturedbyrachel drove up just as we were finished and took some lovely pictures of Izadora, her 2009 colt, her 2010 colt and Ylse's filly. A short video clip was also taken of Izadora and her colt having fun in the field. We were pretty lucky to get Rachel, she just finished shooting 2 weddings over the weekend and is pretty swamped with the editing. She feels today's shoot was very successful. I can't wait to get the pictures and place them on the website. Somehow her pictures are SO much better than the ones I take, she really does capture the moment.
As I was leaving the farm, the picture below was snapped to document how much we finished on Saturday.

Of course Steven stayed later, putting up boards and moving in more round bales that had been delivered. Our next project is the automatic waterer. Mike wants to hire Steven to dig the hole in front of Raven's waterer to hook the new one on that. We've dug that hole 3 times before, once to put in the waterer and the other 2 times to fix a leak. Mike hired Meister Electric to come do the trenching. This waterer is going on the back side of the new paddock. This will give us an automatic waterer for the field once that is fenced in. Steven's idea was to put a gate in the back also to help with manure removal. I'm pretty thrilled with how everything is coming together.
Today is bright sunshine and suppose to hit 70 degrees. Such wonderful weather for November we are taking advantage by doing as much outside work as possible.
Once home from the farm it was out to clean Autumn's paddock.
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