We had a light day at Berean as in not too much mail. Above is the main letter opener, Eva Jean Schaefer just getting ready to start opening. This week is really an easy day, last week there were over 300 studies alone that came in and many Bible request. Pictured below is just today's mail.

Aunt Bernie came in for some coats. She heard of a family that had no winter coats and surprisingly a skid of winter coats came in.

We never know what is going to show up in the warehouse but somehow always find a way to distribute whatever comes to exactly who ever needs it most. God's ways are amazing! The warehouse will be stuffed full one week and a few days later completely empty. Today the warehouse is about average.

Spark came in to find stuff for Uncle Ed. Sometimes it isn't easy sorting through the donations. Besides the Bible study program and the jail ministries, Berean Prison ministry gives away literally TONS of food and other necessities each month.

We try to finish up by noon, then meet the guys for lunch at Denny's. We always tease Eva Jean that she works for food. She puts in about 20 hours a week for the meal below and we are only talking ONE meal a week. I think she needs a raise, like maybe 2 meals a week?

After lunch it was time to work on credit card applications, today is the last day some of the specials like 36 months same as cash were offered. While there some of the bills due the first of the month were paid and mailed out.
At the farm Steven was going to check Izadora, worm Aragon with Quest then move them over to the big paddock. Mike stopped in at Meister's to pick up the angle iron Philip had ready for our new shelter. We are having a very productive day after our hard start this morning.