Monday, September 12, 2011

Ready for SAND

The trip in to Peoria was finished much quicker than expected. The registration papers and check for $245.00 to pay for those along with the DNA tests were taken to the post office and sent out. Mark had a credit card application he needed run at Meisters and was glad to take me to lunch once that was done. When he was told the lime was at the farm waiting for him to spread, he changed his mind quickly and said, "you did such a good job last time, why don't you finish it." Do you think he was just trying to get out of work?
Actually I was itching to get this done and happy to get started. The first picture is of the pile taken from the skid steer.

Below is a good size bucket load ready to spread.

Once the lime was spread, that is as well as the skid steer could accomplish with a bad driver, the golf cart was brought out with the arena rake attached. That worked wonderful, smoothing down some lumps and bumps.

We are ready for the SAND coming either Wednesday or Thursday.

We still need to top off the 4x4 posts, stain, the seal all the posts and boards, get the sand on and spread, and finally mount the gate. Sure wish a horse would sell so we could get lights around it.

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