Sunday, September 11, 2011

Broken Nails

Not the nails we pound, these nails are on my hands. I've always admired hands with CLEAN nice nails and can very rarely admire the nails on my hands. Last night while giving Mark his hair cut the hair kept catching in the cracks on the broken nails, each time it would happen that nail tip would be ripped off at the crack but by the time the hair cut was finished I realized before church these nails need to be trimmed up and smoothed down a bit. Such ragged looking nails belong on a laborer, not on a girl. Makes me miss the days at Proctor Hospital when I worked in surgery. Those years these nails stayed CLEAN.
Today mom is going to the jail with Spark and Rhonda, she heard Craig Stickling is coming with a guest. Mark will be attending David's class. Hope he will share what he learns. David is actually a high school Spanish teacher that spent 2 years in Mexico working at the orphanage. He loves the Lord and has been asked to teach the adult class at church for the next 4 weeks. I've sat in one of his classes and was blown away at his teaching ability. He sure didn't get that from me.
Farm news: Raven is picking up weight. Every year during breeding season he loses, he is too busy hanging over the gate calling to the girls.

The season is winding down and he is finally spending more time eating. He still has 4 to go but they will brought over in October as they are riding horses and need to have their foal weaned by Spring.

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