Saturday, October 16, 2010

Email from Jenny

Good morning Judy! Hope yall are having a wonderful weekend. We polished Sally and Glory up yesterday evening and had to take some pics and I wanted to share them with you. They look so beautiful! You wouldn't believe how much Glory has grown this month! I'll be having to pick her up another halter very soon. I guess I'll be going to a yearling size for a six month old! lol! That just tickles me, she is such a big girl! We had the farrier come out this morning and give them both a trim. Sally did really good and I was so pleased! I was worried about it and had prayed so I know God was watching out for us! Glory, lol, bless her heart! She is such a sweetheart! But when we picked up her front feet, she did what she has been doing all week we me, she went into reverse. We finally got my oldest son out there with us and he just stood behind her so she would know someone was there and that did the trick. She stood still like a good girl! ;0) I don't think she would ever kick anyone. The kids climb all around her and brush her all over and she never moves a bit. Love her!
Anyway, they are doing well. Both come to the gate when I whistle. Will worm Glory again in another week and a half. And the baby is really starting to show on Sally.
Have a nice weekend!

Now I'm going to add my 2 cents worth. Sally has NEVER looked so good, she must be groomed every day to get such a shine on her coat. Glory is gorgeous, can't wait to see HER pictures when she is grown. Only RACHEL could have taken better pictures.
Thank you Jenny for keeping us updated. I'm so thrilled you were the one that ended up with the pair.

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