Friday, January 18, 2019

Snow Fun

Mark took the new truck to work this morning to pick up the mower for the little Kubota. He left his car in the indoor arena and that wasn't a problem until late this afternoon. More on that later. We had to admire the snowmen on the walk today, stopping first to see mom's special snowman. Now mom had help from Joan's kids and Sarah made the ears and helped with the face.
We think it is better than her last year's snow woman. When the sun came out last year and started melting that poor snow woman her chest fell and landed in the exact wrong place and that snow woman became a transgender snow person. We headed over to Joan's to admire Faith, Mackenson and Berlica's snowman. There just seems to be something off about this one too.
Ah that's better, now only Mackeson is the wrong direction. 
I spent the morning hauling wood. We are expecting another snow storm tonight and we needed a lot of wood brought inside for the wood burners. The ice daggers were actually hitting the sliding door and had to be broken off to get the wood inside.
Karin arrived late afternoon to work horses so I jumped in Mark's car to move it out of the arena except the keys weren't in the car. After searching the house for keys Mark was called and the only set of keys for his car was in his pocket.  That meant the car was just left inside while Karin worked with Jenis, Galena, Anna and Oksana.  That went well until Galena decided to start kicking at Oksana. She came very close to kicking Mark's car so Galena was put in time out, tied in the corner of the arena while the rest were worked. Jenis had to roll first while Oksana looked on.
 Karin rode Jenis first so she could be taken back outside when she was done. 

 Oksana and Anna were checking out Mark's car and when they started licking it we realized their paddock does not have a salt block. I brought one inside and dropped it by Mark's car and that kept them busy. I was actually glad Mark had taken the keys with him as I didn't know they were out of salt. Karin is going to pick up 6 more blocks on Tuesday.
 Karin finished Jenis up with a rear then I took her outside.
 Galena was the next horse worked. 
 Check out that baby bump on Anna in the picture below. Anna isn't due until April 2nd, this year. We did not breed her back on her foal heat last year as I didn't want any foals born in March. Last year it was kind of hard as we had a cold snowy wet March. Karin is riding Oksana.

 Anna was the last mare worked and Karin is always so careful with her.  We had to laugh though, that mare is so very gassy. 
This evening after supper Mark and I moved in 6 more loads of wood. With the storm moving in tonight and then blizzard like conditions we want plenty of good dry wood inside for the wood burners. Sunday we may need both of them going at the same time as we are suppose to get below zero temperatures. I'm very thankful for a full woodshed. 

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