Saturday, March 15, 2025


 Well we had a storm last night but no damage. The worst was our weather radio, it kept going off after we were in bed and sleeping. We tried unplugging it but that didn't stop the alerts finally we took all the batteries out. If there was anything bad happening we slept through it all. Mark went out this morning to see if the drives had any trees over them but there weren't even any downed branches. This morning was all church cleaning so I started my work early here believing I would get done in time to go help. That didn't happen. I went to the foaling barn to give the aisle a sweeping and walked in to a terrible smell. I think the cat had vomited up something really nasty. That was cleaned up and I was taking it to the dumpster when I saw Leo heading down the drive to the main road. I called him, he turned around but wouldn't let me catch him but at least he headed back to Joan's house.

The foaling apartment was made ready for the guests coming in this morning and I was working on the big barn when Spark showed up checking for damage. I told him there was none but wanted him to give me an idea of how to get lights back up in the game room. He took one look at it figured it out and as he was telling me what to do Tim Meister arrived. I just needed an extension cord for the lights and 3 hooks. I went back to the house told Mark, he looked for hooks while I looked for the right length extension cord and when we both found what we needed we had lights! 
I was just getting ready to leave for church when Mike called. He needed to haul 11 bales of hay out to Middle Grove and this was the only day he could do it as they are leaving on Monday for Gulf Shores. That meant I needed to haul 11 bales of hay out of the barn to get ready for him to load. 
They were stacked out side for easy pick up.
That leaves us 58 bales, which is more than we need but with so little snow this winter and so far way behind in rain we may end up in a drought and need them. By the time I finished it was 12:30 pm and I'm sure church cleaning was over. Instead I went back to the gym to start sweeping up those Asian beetles. Sooner or later I'll have killed enough to make a dent in the population here. Phil and Anna arrived to take the motorhome back to their house and dropped off the girls at the playground. Tom and his family arrived around 1:30 pm. I'm thrilled with the work getting done today with Tim and Tom working together. It really is all in who you know or in this case who you are related to. Mike got the bales and left for Middle Grove. I put the tractor away before going back to the house.
The girls came over with the first turtle catch of the year.
They let it go in the lake. Later they brought over another interesting find. This is an adult skull by the looks of the teeth and I think it is raccoon skull missing the front teeth and nose. 

Taegan noted those teeth were whiter than hers. 
Anna picked up the girls. At 5:05 pm I left for Casey's to pick up pizza for the workers at the barn. It ended up being a nice productive day. 

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