Ruth and I started the walk believing Diane was on her way to Missouri only to hear a yell. We turned around to see Diane coming. They decided not to leave early. We picked up Joan and had a good walk discussing the wonderful day in church yesterday. What a blessing that was. Joan also went to the singing in Goodfield. She told us they sang 20 minutes out of the Zion's Harp, then 20 minutes out of the combined hymnal and the final 20 minutes out of the Song's of Worship (the blue book). She told us 3 or 4 numbers would be given out at once and the song leaders would just pick one. There was no hesitation or waiting for numbers. I had to leave the walk early as I was supposed to be at Methodist for an echocardiogram at 9:00 am. I left at 8:30 and should have had plenty of time. When I pulled out of the drive there was a dead deer laying on the side of the road with a big red fox eating off it's back leg. The deer was hit by a car yesterday and that fox has been having a feast eating from 2 different places.
Day to day operation of a Friesian breeding farm standing 2 Friesian stallions. We have 6-10 foals each year out of Purebred Friesian mares, Andalusian mares, Thoroughbred mares and Friesian sport mares by Judy Sceggel 309-208-3840
Monday, March 17, 2025
Good Working Valves
The fox ran as I took the pictures so missed him. I took Farmington Rd and before the hill came upon a road block. The picture was taken from the side road.I thought maybe there would be a way around but that road ended up being a dead end so I had to turn around and drive back to Maxwell road and then take 474. I made it by 9:05 am and had to wait a few minutes until they called me in. The echo was started and about in the middle the fire alarm went off. At first John, the man doing the echo told me he was just going to ignore it, but then someone knocked on the door and told us we had to leave the building. The leads stuck on had to be removed then we got up to leave, me with the hospital robe on trying to walk out modestly holding the back together when the all clear came. Thank Goodness! Of course the test had to be finished so more leads hooked up and more time under the ultrasound. It was interesting to watch and I'm pleased to report my heart looked really good beating strong and those valves opening and closing well. John did a great job.
He is a traveling technician from Ohio, lives on a farm with his wife, was very involved with 4H with his daughter and with goats and his son with his rabbits. The car was running on empty and needed to have the tank filled before coming home. Once home I took the golf cart over to the barn and started cleaning and organizing the upstairs. I was almost finished with that, went down stairs to get the broom and dust pan when Sarah and the girls arrived. They brought a puppy over for great grandma to hold. They also had a bunch of puppies in their van.
Today the puppies were visiting the vet for their well puppy check up.
I was glad to take a break from cleaning so went in with them to mom's. Karin brought out hot chocolate with a can of whipped cream. Of course they had to try it directly into their mouths.
Mom enjoyed the puppy. The girls enjoyed playing with the toys.
Eden and River went outside to play on the trampolines but Zion stayed inside to help her mom with the puppy. I left then to finish the upstairs in the barn but stopped to take the video below.
Each time we have a lot of kids the ping pong paddles get peeled. I replace them when a new group is coming in but today everyone of them were peeled and one was broken in half. I think it is probably little kids who find it fun to peel the skin off.
I only had 3 more paddles back at the house and we really need 4 paddles so got on Amazon and ordered 6 unbreakable unpeelable paddles. They will be here tomorrow.
I'm sure they won't play as well as real ping pong paddles but hopefully they will be acceptable. If not I'll try to just put the real ones out when we have 'real' guests. Mark and Mackeson used the log splitter today and filled the wagon. This evening after supper I had some cinnamon rolls rising when Braelyn came over. She had been cleaning the apartment so instead of putting the rolls in the oven right then drove her home first then got them in. They are now iced and will be taken to the Berean office tomorrow.
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