Friday, January 31, 2025

Too Good to Be True

 Mark checked all the propane tanks this week and came back with wonderful news, the new barn tank was still at 73 %, even better than here at the house where we burn wood for heat.  My, the furnace Philip installed for that gym must be VERY efficient! All was going well except we realized Sunday evening the gym was cooling down. Mark sets it at 55 degrees when we are not using it but I had it set on 65 for the Sunday dinner and it was holding at 58. Monday was even worse. It went to 55 and stayed there. Well this morning Philip arrived to fix the furnace.

Pretty quickly he let me know there is no propane gas in the line. He thought the propane tank meter was wrong and the tank empty.  I had left for Sam's club so I sent a text to Mark, he walked over and banged on the meter and sure enough it dropped from 73% down to 0. That tank is bone dry. It really was too good to be true. We had a LOT of guests at the barn November and December and even during the really cold spell had people using the barn. Mark called the propane company explaining we had a faulty gauge and ran out of propane. They sent someone out to look at the gauge but did not bring any propane. The soonest we can get that is Monday morning. We can live without heat a couple more days. The bad news is the $1000.00 or more cost to fill the tank. That will sure put a hole in my building fund. My trip to Sam's club was interesting. The fog was so thick it was hard to see the stop signs. The picture below was taken near the stop sign at Smithville road. 
The car coming from the West on Smithville almost ran the stop sign and almost ran into me. The rest of the drive went fine. I got all the food needed for the Sunday dinner except some jalapeno peppers and cilantro. That was picked up at Aldi on the way home.  It was raining most of the day here and we are under a mud warning, no flood warning just mud. The ground is still frozen below and the top layer is slushy and thick. It is not a day to be outside much.  Mark went walking, fell today and really hurt his hip. He has been moaning and groaning but finally took an aleve and a nap and when he woke up was walking better. Nothing seems to be broken. I've had a very easy day feeding the fire and enjoying the heat. My guests for the barn arrived this evening. Thankfully we have electric heat in the living area of the barn. I would have gone out to get some exercise and even thought about running then remembered Proverbs 28:1  The wicked run when no man pursues and I certainly don't want to be known as wicked. Plus if anyone in the neighborhood saw me running they would for sure think there was a dire emergency happening.  Another thought bothered me today.  I only know 25 letters of the alphabet.  I just don't know Y.  That just a little too corny even for me.

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