Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Hard Workers

 I was first to the dumpster and there was a critter caught in the live trap Joan set. Only it wasn't raccoon.

Diane let the cat go. We don't recognize that cat as one that lives in the area but as soon as Diane opened the trap the cat took off. Ruth and Fedi's dog thought about chasing it but Ruth yelled and she stopped. We don't allow the dogs to chase cats. Ruth, Diane and I walked to Joan's thinking she was probably not going to walk as they were going to leave with the motorhome to camp at Middle Grove today and tonight but Joan decided to walk first then load up. When we got back to the dumpster, Farkash sp? Not sure how Fedi spells her name, ran to the dumpster and grabbed something and within seconds killed it. This was another young raccoon. This is why dogs are not allowed to chase cats. One quick bite and a shake and that raccoon was dead. A cat wouldn't have a chance.
Joan got some garbage bags and bagged it up. Crazy how overrun we were this year. Diane was with mom today with Ruth on call.  When we were walking we heard the mower in the pond pasture and just thought it was Mark mowing with the little Kubota but found out later it was Mike mowing with his John Deere tractor with the big bush hog mower on back. When we got back from the walk the mares were up at the fence.
I made myself comfortable on the golf cart and watched as earlier I had heard some squealing. Sure enough Madiera is now in season. Tomorrow we will get her covered by Valiant. In the picture below she is standing near him teasing. It was Valiant that was doing the squealing earlier. 
That means Jewel will be coming in soon so I'll need to keep watch on her too. Anna borrowed the truck this morning and brought back a basketball game for the upstairs game room then left to pick up a fridge for the barn. After supper Mark and I went to the new barn to check them out.
The fridge has water and ice in the door, is a double sided upper fridge and the lower freezer with drawers. Nice and large and easy to access foods. The appliances are now all purchased.
Anna must have worked on laying more flooring today also as the storage closet was done along with the hallway and the master bath.
I really am thrilled with how everything looks. All of our kids have really worked hard on building this barn but Anna and Phil have worked the hardest. Hopefully their hard work will reap years and years of benefits. Our dad used to say, " A family that plays together stays together."
Of course both Mark and I had to try out the basketball game.
That will be taken upstairs.  Tomorrow afternoon is the doctor appointment to get rid of the staples. Hopefully after that I'll get my wheels back and can start driving again. This has been a long two weeks. 

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