Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Credit Card Bill

Well our big bill came in from U of I and Dr. Hoerr via the credit card yesterday from Marika's emergency C section. I know God lends us the horses and He expects us to care for them as best as we can. Since I can not abide being in debt there is just one thing to do and that is to sell something quickly but we have this problem around here, we get WAY to attached to these horses. So after discussing and praying about this debt problem the solution is to sell the last horse purchased which would be Galena as she has been here the least amount of time.
 Galena is gorgeous. She sticks at 16.1 hands and moves very balanced.
 Galena's feather starts at the back of her knee and cascades down past her hoof.
Galena RIDES!

 She has a double sided mane and a nice thick curly tail.
Galena is in season right now. We will cover her with Valiant and place her for sale now for $6500.00. At this price though we would not sell her with live foal guarantee. If we still have her here long enough to be sonagrammed in foal we will just keep her and find a different way to come up with the money. Can you tell we really really don't want to sell this mare? If you buy her and once you find out she settled all paper work will be sent to register this foal. SO...today Galena is for sale and for the next two weeks Galena is for sale. Karin and Rhoda will continue to work with her. She rides, no buck or rear. She does not kick or bite, she gets along with our mares and is respectful, she is not top mare on the pecking order but also not the bottom. Please feel free to call (309-208-3840) or email (msceg@hotmail.com) me (Judy) with any questions. 

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