Thursday, September 5, 2013

Up Before Breakfast

I was suppose to leave this morning just a little after 6:00am to pick up my grandson Israel but there were 2 mares with foals in stalls that must be taken care of before heading out. This meant getting out to the barn before daylight. Since there would be no time to clean stalls the mares and foals were put outside into the middle paddock that is opened to the pond pasture. It isn't easy taking them out, the foals were afraid to step out of the stall so they must be physically pushed while the mare follows. The mare is sure everything outside is going to attack and circles anxiously getting in the way until finally the paddock is reached. Both mares went straight to the salt block but the foals were busy exploring their new legs by running around. The mare would take a quick lick then run after her baby. Pretty funny to watch. Just after 6:00am a text came through cancelling the morning babysitting. Now I'll have time to clean and prepare the stalls for when the mares must be brought back inside during the heat of the day.
A message came through from Steven, Easter Lilly was in her first class and did great.
In the picture above they were testing her with all the toys used, blowing bubbles around her head, placing a hula hoop around her neck and bouncing a ball on her. What a good girl!

1 comment:

  1. Lilly loves being the center of attention, even if she is wearing a hula hoop, lol!
