Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Berean Day

 What a change in temperature from yesterday's warm sunny day. It was only in the 20s this morning on our walk. We noticed trucks coming up the drive showed the drivers were to go and then opened the doors for them before finishing our walk.  Ruth, mom and I left for the Berean office around 8:15 am. That office was nice and warm today. Below are a few pictures of our morning. Skip did almost all the computer work today while I ran the postage machine and worked on a few other problems.

After finishing processing all the studies Vonnie, Shirl and Ray went to work in the other room.
Mom almost finished getting this box of envelopes stamped with the return address. Of course I was taking them out when needed so she really almost filled 2 boxes.
I'm not sure how many Bibles were sent out today but we had enough that everyone that asked got mailed a nice large print Bible.
After finishing our work we sat for a while drinking coffee, eating coffee cake and visiting but soon it was time to leave if we wanted to get to the post office before they closed for their lunch hour.  After dropping off the Bibles at the Hanna City post office we dropped Ruth off at her house before going home. Phil had plugged the lift in last night but it didn't charge. Mark tried to find his charger but couldn't then borrowed mom's charger and told me that wasn't working either.  There was no one at the barn, the lift hadn't charged and Mark was having trouble getting a battery charger on the lift so we went first to the back garage and indoor arena to look for his charger but no luck then to work over at the new barn.  I just took the extension cord over to a different outlet and that worked. The lift is needed tomorrow. 
We got the lift charging then left for home to make some lunch. We decided that when Mike get's home from Gulf Shores we will bring Tatiana and Jewel home, get Jewel sonagrammed and have Oliver checked out by Dr. Hoerr at the same time. He is growing and I would like to see if he is dropped but don't want to take a chance on getting kicked so will have Dr. Hoerr sedate him before he gets checked out. 
The horses all have plenty of hay and all the waterers have been working well which makes things easy. After everyone left for the day we stopped in for a quick look at their work. This is just a tease.
You'all will just have to wait for the big reveal and that might take a month.

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