Thursday, July 14, 2011

SoftBall, KickBall, VolleyBall, Beach, Pool

Today was David and Stephanie's last day, they wanted to hit it all so right after breakfast everyone but the 2 babies and Mark and I to watch the babies went to play softball, then kickball back to feed babies, then volleyball, pool, beach, bike ride, in to lunch, a trip to jump off the pier, and finally dinner. Rhoda baked cookies for dessert and we all shared a small container of icecream to top off the day. Right after dinner Dave, Stef, Mark and I loaded up very quickly and started the drive home making it by 10:00pm.
The dogs were thrilled to see us, we could hardly get in the door, the puppies are barking and waddling around like they own the world. We walked out to see where Tim Reinhard cleared ground for our new outdoor arena. He has a 200 feet long by 100 feet wide area scraped and ready for lime. The lumber for the fencing will be ordered after the puppies are sold but we should have a wonderful outdoor arena in a couple of months.
Unpacking I realize my crocks are still in Michigan and will call Rhoda to see if she will bring them home. We are heading to bed!

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