Monday, October 14, 2024

Day of Resst

 Brr it was a cold morning. Ruth took Fedi in to the emergency room as his neck was hurting. They took another x-ray but not sure what the problem is, it could be he has a screw loose. That just doesn't sound right. It may be better to say, "it could be one of the screws have loosened up." Poor Fedi, no matter how you say it he finds it painful.  Diane and Mike spent the night at Middle Grove as they have airbnb guests in their basement. That meant no walk for Joan and I.  Mark has ordered 2 pallets of cement from Home depot and that was delivered this morning.

Those pallets are so heavy our tractor would not be able to pick them up. Thankfully Home Depot sends a heavy duty fork lift with the truck to unload. Below the skilled driver has unloaded them into the barn for us.
It is pretty cool how he drives the fork lift to the back of the truck and then lifts it up and gets off.

Mark and Mackenson ended up getting 2 more pallets from our pile and dividing the cement into 4 pallets so the tractor can handle the weight.
After breakfast I drove to Dr. Stoller's office in Pekin IL for my annual teeth clean and check. That is an hour of laying around in a comfortable reclined chair while the tech talks and I listen.(one can't talk back with the instruments and hands inserted into the mouth) I almost took a nap but thought that would be rude. No cavities and I'm thankful for good teeth as I like to eat and use those good strong not so white teeth everyday. As soon as I got home Leah, Oliver, Madiera and her colt were brought back over from the cabin field. Leah was teased and is still in her foal heat. She stood well while Valiant covered her. I was worried that she would be out. She should have been covered yesterday but I was just too busy to get that job done. Thankfully she is still in and in strong. 
 This afternoon I needed to take a trip in to Peoria to pick up ingredients to bake some cinnamon rolls for the Berean treat tomorrow. Skip can't be there so I will need to leave early tomorrow morning to pick up the Berean mail and get it to that office before 9:00 am. The post office was closed today for the Columbus day holiday.  Joan was able to get an appointment to get the oil changed in mom's wheel chair van tomorrow morning. That needed to be done before the big trip to Gulf Shores on Saturday but the only appointment available was tomorrow morning so mom won't be able to go to Berean tomorrow to volunteer. 
The renter at the foaling apartment today did not leave by 11:00 am. He and his son were out deer hunting and didn't get back until later. That wouldn't have been a problem but we had another guest coming in today. I think they left before noon. The new guest had been told she could come in by 1:00 but ended up not being able to come until tonight so it all worked out. The only real work done today was laundry and baking. It really did seem like a day of rest.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Nancy Makes a Basket

 Yesterday was such a long day outside I was really tired and slept well. After a cup of coffee this morning I ran over to the barn to strip the beds and start the laundry bringing back to towels here. While both machines were running the chicken for the dinner tonight was cut up for the chicken stir fry. Since I had the machines going early and no laundry was done Saturday, I did a couple loads of our clothes too. I don't like to work on Sunday but if we wanted clothes to change into after church I pretty much needed to. We left for church a few minutes after 9:00 am and made it there before Joan, mom and Aunt Jinnie arrived. Molly had already brought Nancy and she was very glad to see us. Mike Kaisner had the morning message and this message was a good message about Chronicles. I did not know that it was the last book of the Hebrew Bible. Mike finished with Revelations 22, the last book of the New Testament. Click HERE to watch that message. Caleb Plattner had the afternoon message on Genesis 9 and 10, after the flood. That too was interesting. click HERE to watch that message.  After church I had to flip the foaling apartment as we had someone move out this morning and another group moving in today.  I'm thankful for extra sets of sheets and towels. Anna arrived to help just as I was finishing up. The chicken was stir fried, the rice started and then the vegetables were stir fried and put in a separate crock pot. Today instead of putting the meat and vegetables together they were served separate to make it easier for the kids to take what they wanted. The food was good. 

Rhoda and Lee had invited 2 couples from their small group to join us. 
Braelyn and Taegan were learning how to do flips and I was there when Taegan learned how to do a back flip and land it. Braelyn is getting the front flip down too.

As we had a lot of little children today the bouncy house was turned on.

After supper the volleyball games were all inside as the wind was really blowing outside.  I found it interesting how the older kids were teaching the younger ones how to hit the ball while the regular players were arriving. They played a couple games then the next set of players arrived to play and at the end of the video below Nancy makes a basket. 
She was SO PROUD of that and kept talking about it.
We had a beautiful sunset this evening.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Middle Grove FUN

 The guests at the foaling apartment pulled out around 8:00 am. I ran up to strip the beds and get the sheets in the washer. Anna and Braelyn arrived right after that and took over cleaning. The guests in the new barn were busy and had the wedding arch and chairs out early so I took the golf cart down to take a few pictures. It was beautifully decorated.

The hipcampers were not yet gone for the day. They are here for the Spoon River Drive and will be staying until Sunday afternoon to get as much shopping possible this last weekend of the drive.
I was over at mom's to get ready for our big trip to Middle Grove. It took a while to get everything loaded but we were on our way by 9:40 am and unfortunately hit the Spoon River traffic. It took us 45 minutes to get to Middle Grove. Diane, Mike, Ruth, Fedi, Matt and Dexter were already there waiting for us. Joan pulled up with the motorhome not too much after. She had the sailboat pole with her so Ruth was first to go sailing.
When she got back Mike took us on a jeep ride to find the horses. We heard the legend of the lost mower. The man who started mowing the Middle Grove land and never came back. Well we FOUND him, or what was left of him. You will need to check out the video below to learn this story...OR just keep scrolling down.

Joan made a big taco salad for our lunch. Besides the jeep ride, we sailed, took a pontoon boat ride fished then cooked supper over the fire. 

We heard the story of the man that went missing 12 years ago while mowing the property and then we FOUND him.

Below is the Middle Grove Guard, fully armed and ready.
He was getting ready to go out hunting but we decided he looked better as a guard.

The sailing was fun. Ruth and her dog went a couple times. Diane went, Joan took Berlica once and Lesley another time. 

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from Middle Grove click HERE.
Mom, Aunt Jinnie and I packed up to head home after supper. After unpacking and getting back to my house Mark and I had one job to do before the sun went down and that was to take apart the wedding arch for the bride and groom. The sun set just as we finished that job.
A beautiful ending to a beautiful day.

Friday, October 11, 2024

To Keep or Not

 I was up before 5:00 am and needed to start the coffee maker as I just couldn't make myself wait for that first cup. Yesterday we had our dinner at 2:30 pm as we skipped lunch so this morning we were hungry for breakfast. By 7:00 am I had sausage, eggs and pancakes all ready for our hungry tummies. I knew Ruth was camping at Middle Grove and also knew Mike and Diane drove out last night but didn't know they came back and did not spend the night so when Diane called to ask if I was walking I was surprised. I was already outside working so just took the golf cart over to meet Diane. Karin had her closing on her house today so needed to leave by 7:30 am. Instead of walking we just went straight to mom's house. Diane stayed with mom and aunt Jinnie while I went first to the barn to do a final check, then to the apartment. I had a message this morning wanting the dimensions of the green hay rack so stopped there next. Mark was just coming into the barn with a tape measure so we got that done very quickly.

I listed it on Facebook market place yesterday as it was in the way and we haven't used it. When Karin was back Leah was taken out and teased. She is still in and covered by Valiant.
She gets a treat for standing well and was waiting patiently for me to bring it.
Once she was put away, Mark wanted my help getting the forks on the tractor. Mark ordered 2 pallets of cement bags and we need the tractor fork to get those off the truck. We will also need the fork to unload the building supplies for that small addition he wants put in front of the door. Next I used the mower to go over the area I mowed a couple days ago for the wedding on Saturday. The mower does well with getting rid of the grass clippings. Just then the hipcamper arrived. They are actually here for the Spoon River Drive and will not spend a lot of time at our place but they were glad to have a place to park their camper and hook up with electricity and water.  My next job was to go to Aldi to get the ingredients for chicken stir fry. We will have that for our Sunday dinner but when I asked mom and Aunt Jinnie what they would like for a meal on Saturday when I take them to Middle Grove camping they also chose chicken stir fry.  Once home from Aldi the vegetables were chopped and the chicken cut up. I made one batch for Mark and my dinner tonight with plenty to take tomorrow. All the vegetables are chopped for Sunday's dinner but I will still need to cut up chicken for that meal. Both Mark and I really enjoyed the meal. This stir fry had chicken, carrots, onion, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, sugar snap pea pods, mushrooms, zucchini and a few peanuts. I added rice for a side dish. The left over rice was added to all the chicken and vegetables for tomorrow's meal but it will still be good. After supper I made 2 pans of brownies. One to take to Middle Grove and one for our Sunday meal.  Joan called this evening asking to use the tractor and the green hay wagon to give hay rack rides. We had taken the hitch off the tractor and put the log splitter on as we needed more weight on the back of the tractor. BUT we always like to have at least 2 ways of doing things around here. She used the Grasshopper mower to pull the wagon. 

We have someone coming tomorrow morning to check out the wagon but now we are wondering if we should keep it.  Edited it to add: we cancelled the buyer and have decided to keep the wagon. Amy said SO and of course she has the final word. (Well her advice was good as that wagon was fun last night for the young group)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Northern Lights

 Mark and I had a breakfast date at the Hog Trough this morning and enjoyed breakfast with Pat and Darlene. We didn't know they would be there but they had just come from the Giant Goose Ranch and showed up at the exact same time we came.  Next week we will do it all over again with Ralph and Jamie. After getting home Mark went up to the apartment to measure out the small screen room he wants to put up around the door of the foaling apartment. 

Hopefully this will help keep the flies out and also give some protection from the rain. It should be big enough to include a chair or two if someone wants to sit outside. The sun was bright without any clouds in the sky but the weather was cool. That sun soon warmed everything up.  I moved a bale in Raven's old paddock then moved Leah and Oliver in that. Madiera and her colt were put in the outdoor arena so I could get a few pictures of the colt for the new website. He really is impressive.

After getting a few pictures they were turned out to graze.
Dan called about then, he and Mike were working on the mystery project in Mike's shop.
Mike really needs to build a bigger shop. 
Below are a few more pictures of the mystery project.
This can be used for camping but it isn't a camper even though there is a roof and cooler. 
I heard this evening that it is finished and taken to Middle Grove. Saturday I hope to see the finished project in use and will announce it then. Dan showed me the sling he made and sent a stone flying into the trees. He sent it high and I missed where it landed but it hit the tree he was aiming for with a loud crack.

The bride that booked the barn Dec 28th wedding asked to come to measure things at the barn today at 1:00 pm. I spent the morning cleaning there but was eating lunch at 12:55 pm when I noticed a black car at the barn. I went flying over on the golf cart, threw open the door and said very loudly, "glad you made yourself at home."  Then heard Anna say, "who are you talking to?"  The car was Phil and Anna's they came to put the volleyball net up as the bride getting married Saturday wanted all the sports equipment set up. As they were leaving a pickup truck arrived. Another car arrived at about the same time and the 6 people that came did LOTS of measuring and counting. 
Meanwhile Karin sent the two pictures below telling us mom is busy sanding down the porch swing and wants someone to stain it.

We are all amazed at the drive mom has. When she wants something done she works at it with her working right hand (she is left handed but that one doesn't work since the stroke). I think Joan is going to ask Berlica to stain it. 
I finished the game room after the family left. About then the campsite booked for 2 nights, coming in tomorrow and leaving Sunday morning. I'll have to explain to the campers about the wedding Saturday as the it is an outside wedding. It won't be near the campsite but the cars will be parked on the South side of the building while they will be parked on the West side of the building. The bride told me the ceremony will only be about 15 minutes around noon so it shouldn't be too intrusive. This weekend is going to be a little crazy as the foaling apartment is booked for Friday, Saturday and Sunday night all by different people and will need to be flipped each time. The Event barn has the wedding booked for Friday and Saturday and now the campsite booked.  Dan used his drone today and took the aerial pictures below of the farm. 
Above is the house in the middle, the drive going to the bottom of the picture is going up to the barn. Below are the paddocks. The paddock next to the drive is Valiant's, next to his is where we will put mares we are watching to see if they come into season, the third paddock is a double. That one has 3 shelters in it and we call it the middle paddock. to the left of that is the short shelter paddock. Not seen is the foaling apartment and big barn (indoor arena) where we store the hay and the campers in the winter. Right in the middle of that circle drive is the manure spreader and what used to be our lime pile. The lime pile (white circle) is now by the garage which is to the far right of the picture. The other white shed is what we call the breeding shed. That is where I store grain and that has a small paddock in front and a larger one behind. We use the small paddock if we are breeding a mare with a foal by herside. The foal goes in the paddock and the mare is tied to the breeding stand right outside the paddock. That way she can see her foal and there is no separation panic for the mare. 
Dan did not get any pictures of the indoor arena and foaling apartment but got the back of both and the fields with the outdoor arena and round pen in the picture below.
The last couple pictures are of the event building. 

This evening, after dark a delivery truck arrived with a big package for us. I was surprised and asked Mark, "what did you buy?" He told me nothing. We opened it and it was 12 massive rolls of Brawny paper towel.
The paper plates came yesterday and today paper towels. I sent a group text out to my siblings asking which one is sending this but we are only hearing, "Not me."  Again, whoever sent the plates and paper towels, a BIG THANKYOU! We go through a lot of those.
We had a real treat tonight as we were able to see the Northern Lights right outside our house. I took the pictures below with my phone.
I decided to try a video as they were fading and just then the coyotes started howling.

What a beautiful ending to a beautiful day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Busy, Too Busy

 Another cold morning and when I got up to the truck to change the hitch and hook it up the 2 horse trailer the dew was so heavy on the windows, mirrors and back up camera it took an extra long time to get that job accomplished. It entailed climbing in and out of the truck about 6 times to get it lined up perfect. The truck was backed into the barn and the barn doors shut around it and only then did I get Madiera and her colt. They were led into the indoor arena and up to the trailer. Madiera walked right in but her colt did not. Mark came about then to help. Between the 2 of us we got him walking in quietly. I pulled out at 7:31 am for Madiera's 8:00 am appointment at the vet clinic. We arrived at 8:02 am but it didn't matter we were late Dr. Hoerr was working on an emergency. Madiera was fine with staying in the trailer with her colt.

When it was her turn she didn't want to go in the stocks but her colt did. He ended up standing in the front while she was half in and half out.
Below Dr. Hoerr is checking her out. All is well, hopefully she will conceive from the last cover.
The truck needed gas on the way home and Morton's gas is a bit cheaper than Hanna City's gas so filled the truck while in Morton.
When I got back Madiera was teased and she said, "no very strongly."
She and her colt were put back then Leah brought out. She is in her foal heat. I'll get her covered tomorrow. Mom, Aunt Jinnie and Diane were out on mom's deck.
 Diane decided to go down to the beach and start putting away the beach toys and turn the canoes upside down. 
Columbus day is coming up so more than likely people will come out to use the canoes for fishing but the lake will probably be too cold to swim. Amy arrived with some delicious goodies. Her special lemon bars and those yummy caramel m&ms.
David is working on repairing mom's soffit where the raccoons got in last spring.
Below he is cutting a very important board.
The board fit exactly.
Mike is working on a new project. This one is going to be in real demand. More on this in days to come but the work he is doing is impressive.

Dan is working with him on this project. When it is up and running I'll explain what they are building and those who want to live off the grid will be very interested. 
Mark and Mackenson were playing with the cement again. 

While they were working with the concrete I was mowing the field where the wedding will be held on Saturday. That didn't take very long, we have a VERY fast big mower. I put the mower back away at mom's but when I did had to take the picture below of all the gas cans in mom's garage.
Crazy but that isn't even all of them there were 2 more on the desk.
Madiera's colt were taken out to get a few pictures and a short video.

Oliver was in the arena with Madiera and he had to show off too.

They were put away before I went down to the house. There was a box waiting with my name on it. 
300 paper plates! I didn't order paper plates so was wondering why Mark would order them.
When he came in he knew nothing about them. What a mystery. We will use them at the barn unless who ever sent them needs them and for some reason sent them to us.  If they are for us THANK YOU! We go through a lot of paper plates at the barn. 
We left for church at 6:05 pm. Gregg Rumbold had the message on Philippians 3 Click HERE to watch that message. The ICC Bradley young group were in Peoria church tonight and after church all went over to Joan's house for fellowshipping food and games. Today was a busy day.