Friday, July 19, 2013

Hot and Tired

Phil dropped Braelyn and Taegan off this morning in time to help with the feeding and watering. Braelyn even helped move a couple mares over to the cabin field by holding the leadrope. She was very pleased. By the time we came inside it was over 90 degrees and climbing. We had a high of 97 degrees with almost 70 % humidity. It was even too hot to swim. Instead we spent the day playing inside. Braelyn found grandpa's hat and had a blast playing with it. The hat is just slightly too big.

 She tried to walk wearing it but for some reason kept running into the walls. Finally she learned to tip her head WAY back and peek below.

When she tired of that she found one of her favorite horse books to read.
Right after Philip picked them up company showed up here to see the horses. A nice lady named Michelle brought out 4 of her family members to enjoy the foals. We were all dripping wet by the time we were finished petting everyone.  Ribbon was teased today and she is out. Emma was still in and covered by Evan. 

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