Monday, June 5, 2023

Sweet Memory

 We had a plan for this morning's walk and it turned out perfectly.  Since it was quite cool we wrapped up mom well, put her on the golf cart and took her for a proper walk.  Below Ruth, Diane and Joan are getting ready to pick her up and put her on the golf cart.

Below is a short video of a tiny part of the walk.
When we reached the cabin field Diane showed us the huge trees that were taken down over the weekend in her yard.  These all had branches leaning over their house.

On the walk we discussed a trip to Florida and by the time the walk was over Diane and I had agreed to go with mom, Jackie and Karin. We will be leaving August 30th and coming back Sept 13th. Two FULL weeks of rest and relaxation at a very nice resort I think in Orlando. Jackie took care of booking the tickets and by this afternoon we had our flights.
I stayed with mom after the walk as Joan had a trailer coming back this morning.  When Joan arrived to relieve me I left to take the trailer to TriCounty RV Repair on route 29. As I pulled out of the drive there was a deer standing on the side of the drive looking both ways.
When she saw me she bounded back into the woods. The people at the repair place looked at the trailer and thought they could have it repaired in about a week. The truck was taken back to the house then the car was taken for the next errand. There has been a fraudulent charge on my account since April. I've made 3 phone calls on it and didn't get anywhere so this time I drove in and spoke to someone and this time I finally got a commitment that a dispute was filed. I took a picture of the lady's office that got that job done as she had a wonderful Praise the Lord poster on her display.
That only took about 2 hours. From there I stopped at Anni and Matt's new place, Anni found a ceramic statue of a black horse she wanted to give me. Pictures of that later.  When I finally got home the farmer was here raking the hay.
That meant later this afternoon he would be baling and that was so.
Mark took the skid steer over to the far field to start moving the bales into our field. I went to mom's as Jamie was coming over and was bringing gifts.  She gave mom some beautiful flowers, a special type of raspberry muffin with white chocolate icing and a crochet's yellow square for her lap.
Karin and I also got that amazing muffin thing. I'm not sure what they are called but they really were delicious. Jamie also had a big box of horse supplies she wanted to donate to the barn.
I'll have fun with looking through that later. I needed to get going on the skid steer while Mark drove the tractor and we got all the hay safe inside the barn.  We only got 28 round bales and one very small bale off this first cutting. It was just too dry. Mark thinks we need to buy more bales but we currently have 59 big round bales in the barn. If we don't get a second cutting we may need to buy some hay. Mike ordered 50 bales for Middle Grove as we are going to keep most of the mares out there this winter. Below is a video of the haying today.
When I left the barn and was heading to the house I heard kids playing so drove the golf cart over to the playground. Joan had arranged a Monday night league of all girl volley ball. This way some of the new players can practice and get to play.

They had a great turnout.
I finally needed to come in, brush as much hay and dust off before jumping in the shower, then finished the laundry, changed the sheets and have just one more job to do before heading to bed, washing down with these special cloths to kill any bacteria on the skin. Tomorrow morning we need to be at Proctor Hospital at 5:30 am, the hip replacement starts at 7:30 am and if all goes well I should be home by 4:00 pm.  I heard a really good message on AC Central this evening before going to bed. Fred Witzig was in Denver on June 2nd and had a topical Can we Trust the Spirit to lead the church. This was such a good message you really will want to listen by clicking HERE
One really touching message came in. I don't remember this person but she sent this message a few minutes ago. 
Judy, I think we were maybe in 5th or 6th grade and the teacher was talking about how many TV's we had at our houses. I remember you saying that your mom told you that 'things' don't really matter, that the love in your family makes you rich. I am sure I don't quite remember it perfectly, but I have always remembered. Sweet memory.

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