Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Madiera Covered

 Just Diane, Ruth and I walked. Diane spent the night at Middle Grove but came home in time for the walk. Joan stayed out in the motorhome camping with Berlica, Braelyn, Mackenson, Faith and Leslie. We finished before 8:00 am which gave me time to eat a quick breakfast before going over to stay with mom for a couple hours. Joan arrived around 10:00 am and reported everyone had a great time. Braelyn was so excited she couldn't wait to tell her mom and dad about the lake water there. It was so clear it was like being in an aquarium. I picked up Braelyn and Berlica so they could help with some horse chores.  I needed to have Valerie and Tessa haltered and moved in with Blueberry.

Mike wanted them to stay in the same paddock before he takes them to Middle Grove. If he would take Blueberry by herself he was afraid she would run through the fences. She is one of those crazy Thoroughbreds that don't always think.  Valerie stood very well for me to put a halter on. Of course it helped that Braelyn was feeding her grass at the same time. Tessa already had her halter on so Berlica just clipped the lead rope on her and the two were held until Mike arrived. He first led Valerie into the paddock with Blueberry. Valerie led perfectly. Tessa wasn't quite as good. I had just not led her around much but after backing a bit she finally followed Mike into the paddock. It was interesting. Valerie is Lily's daughter and the first thing she did was try to boss Blueberry around. Blueberry backed down at first then realized, this young punk should be obeying ME and decided to take control of the paddock by threatening her. She gave a half hearted kick toward Valerie and Valerie backed right down. The next job was to halter Madiera and get her into the breeding shed front paddock with her colt.
Mike led her out with the colt following and once in the paddock Berlica took Madiera out while Mike kept the colt in. Madiera was tied to the breeding stand while Berlica and Braelyn kept the colt from climbing out of the paddock to get to his mom.  After a few minutes he was content to stand next to the fence directly in front of Madiera.  Mike led Valiant over and the cover went perfectly. Mike put Valiant away while Braelyn let Madiera's colt out of the paddock then Berlica led them to their paddock where Jewel was waiting. Thankful that job got done. Tomorrow afternoon Dr. Hoerr is scheduled to come geld Titus (Indy's colt) and sonogram Rosaleigh and Irish. If both of those mares are pregnant they can go out to Middle Grove too. That would be 7 more out there and 7 less here. Today was mom's doctor appointment, the first since they kicked her off of Hospice and then Palliative care in 2021.  We need some help and advice on getting rid of water retention so made the decision to bite the bullet and take her back to a real doctor. (after they about killed mom in the hospital we are wary of their motives) Joan took her and believe it or not we got a great report back. Her heart sounds good, her lungs sound good, her bowel sounds are good.  The doctor is going to do some research and get back with us. Mom's doctor was amazed at how good she is doing and made an appointment for her next year.   Mark got home around 2:00 pm, we needed to leave by 3:00 pm for the trip to Midwest Orthopedic for the check up after surgery and to get the staples out. The first thing they did was x ray the hip.  Below the left hip, the one done on June 6th, is pictured on the right. You can see the staples holding it all together. The right hip which is pictured left was done 11 years ago. They are actually two different kinds of implants. The left hip was in such bad shape that they needed to cement this one in. 
It looks to be healing well. The staples were removed and steri strips applied which will need to stay on for another 2 weeks. Andrew recommended coming back in a month but realistically I felt that was a waste of both my time and their time so turned him down. Shook his hand and told him, "this is farewell as I have no more hips to repair."  As I was leaving Andrew was explaining that to Dr. Mulvey so he too was told farewell and he gave me a hug good by. By this time it was almost 4:30 pm and we were heading toward the interstate when Mark got a call from Sam's Club that his glasses were in. We were just 5 minutes from there so stopped in to pick them up. While he was in line to get the glasses I picked up some dishwashing liquid, the rinse aid for the dishwasher and some strawberries. Just then the man working with the rotisserie chickens was getting ready to put them out so I waited and took one of those too. That is the cheapest chicken and we can make 3 easy meals out of it.  It was already past supper time when we left the store so stopped at Culvers and bought a 3 piece cod dinner to share, got home with about 20 minutes before we needed to leave for church. Mike Kaisner had the message on the last chapter of Joshua.  IF you would like to watch that click HERE. We stopped at Dollar General on the way home as Mark wanted to pick up some Gatorade. 

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