Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sanna's Filly at a Week

We really need a name for this adorable filly. She is a week old and so very sweet.

The sun was out this morning for just a few hours before the clouds rolled back in, now there are showers predicted for the afternoon. The terrible storm reports are shocking 130 people died last night and over 200 hundred people have lost their lives with this massive weather system that is spawning literally hundreds of tornadoes.
Sangria and Sanna were so glad to get out of their stalls and into the field this morning. Frannie was brought over to Raven and she let him know in no uncertain terms that she was no longer interested in him. We will mark her out and try to schedule a sonagram for the same time as Wynne's. Lily was still in and was covered. Before leaving the farm the mares were put into a paddock with a shelter. The middle paddock will need more hay tomorrow. With Ribbon in that paddock we are going through hay twice as fast, she is such a big eater. Don't let anyone convince you that draft horses are easy keepers and don't eat much, not true!
Today around noon we are heading to the fellowship hall to start setting up tables and chairs for the benefit dinner. The new goblets will also need to be run through the dishwasher. Now I need to work on the job list and only have an hour to finish this.

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