Friday, April 15, 2011

Ready for Potluck

This morning it was rush back from the walk and start cleaning as fast as possible. The washer and dryer were suppose to be delivered between 8:00am and noon, then the cable guy was suppose to be here between 1:00pm and 5:00pm and the potluck guests were to arrive at 6:00pm. I was just not sure how this would work out but somehow it all did.
Lowes was delivering the machines and they were great, they called as they left Peoria. Mom was asked if she could go meet the truck and it was a good thing she did. Lowes parked at Ralph and Jamies and started unloading. Mom had to run down the lane in the rain to tell them to stop and show them where to bring them.
Now I didn't have anyone to wait for the cable people for the first couple of hours so tried calling them but no luck. This meant someone MUST be at the farm waiting. The potatoes were peeled and placed in salt water to hold, then the pork loin roast was put in the oven around 12:45 at a low 220 degrees and off to the farm getting there at 1:03pm. Felt pretty secure that even if they showed up at 1:00pm they would not have left at 1:03pm surely there would be a 5 minute grace period. While there Sangria was put back in the barn out of the rain. She had let herself out and was standing in a driving rain with the temps in the 40s brrrr. Sanna was the smart one, she went into her stall and was napping quietly.
Once the mares were cared for my car was parked at the top of the hill with a good view of the road and my book taken out. Karin relieved me at 3:45pm and she stayed watching until 5:40pm and no one from the cable company showed up. This was so disappointing to everyone out at the Meister compound. It doesn't make sense to us why the cable company would not want to service that neighborhood. There are 7 houses all ready to sign up and we know the cable runs right past the drive.
Everyone of our guests showed up on time or early. Dinner was great, by the time we were finished there was no food left.

We had 14 people around the table. We had such a great time it was a while before we retreated to the living room and then our company asked to see the dogs. Emma and Darcy were brought down to meet our guests, did a few tricks then Darcy laid down in the middle of the living room and took a nap. This would have been fine except she started snoring. We really had a great time visiting with everyone. This will be our last official rotating potluck at Pleasant Home. We are leaving the table for the Waibels as there is no way to fit it in the small apartment and besides that it fits perfectly in the dining room here.

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