Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday Snow Storm

We had a cold 24 degrees this morning but a beautiful sunrise, although I didn't see it, I went out to clean stalls in the dark and by the time I finished the sun was already up bright and shiny. It didn't stay that way though. Dan and Rachel both posted pictures of the sunrise from Gulf Shores:
 Above is Dan's and Below is Rachel's
 Mark and I left for the fellowship hall at 7:00 am for our Easter breakfast and worship service. That was such a touching service that many tears were flowing down many cheeks. Joan, Sarah and Hannah started the service with Because He Lives singing the first verse in Haitian Creole then in English and finishing with the chorus in Creole. Their harmony was perfect and the song was just touching. Next Isaac Funk sat down at the piano, played and sang What a Beautiful Name  I wish it had been recorded but I found the song on youtube if you would like to hear it. It really was touching and the Spirit filled the room as Isaac was singing. 
Next was Dusty Funk, Mindy Kaisner and Sheila Beutel singing 2 songs and then the choir sang. The second song was Wonderful Terrible Cross That too should have been recorded but since it wasn't I've included a youtube rendition of the song. 

By the time Gabe Meiss got up to have the message our hearts were very well prepared to listen.  As soon as the service at the fellowship hall was over we booked it to make it to church in time for the morning service arriving with just a few minutes to spare. Mike Kaisner had the message there and again our hearts were filled with Thanksgiving, HE LIVES! 
By the time we got out of church the entire sky was heavy with moisture laden clouds and the temperature was dropping. It wasn't long before the clouds started dropping that moisture in the form of snow. Below are the horses at the cabin field.
 The foals were so funny.  They were checking out the snow on the deck, licking it and tasting it.
 Above is Anna's colt and below is Hadassah's filly.  Hadassah's filly had a snow ball stuck to her whiskers. She was taking her muzzle back and forth collecting snow to taste. 
They were taken care of then back to the barn to check on the two younger foals, Rosalie's and Lola's. Rosalie was out by the round bale instead of in a shelter and since her filly is really too young to be out in this weather they were taken into the indoor arena to join Lola and her colt.
This didn't go too well. Lola is protective of her new colt and Rosalie just wants to be friends. She kept walking up toward Lola and I was worried Lola would kick out and hit Claire.  She is pretty proud of her adorable colt, check out the pictures below, he is just 1 day old in these pictures taken today. 

I ended up taking them to the stall barn and stalling them.
Rosalie had to drop and roll right away and then Claire started running and bucking. 
 The lighting just isn't good inside the arena for action shots so I didn't get many pictures of her that could be used. Most of them looked like the picture below. 
 She finally stopped for a posing picture. 
John and Jackie came over later and stopped in for a short visit before heading home in the snow.  Mark got a fire going in the wood burner so the house was all warm and comfy.
 The snow was softly falling and if this would be a day in December we would all be so thrilled but this is APRIL! 
I snapped this picture of a 5 gallon bucket almost covered before it got too dark for pictures. 
The stalls were cleaned, horses fed and watered one more time before heading to bed tonight. Not sure what tomorrow will bring but one thing for sure I sure have a lot to be thankful for and Easter is probably the number 1 reason. 

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