Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wolf Pup Sold

 The roar thousands of grackles as I walked out of the house this morning was a little muted until I hiked up the hill past the garage.  It was just amazing how many grackles were in the trees behind the indoor arena and another flock was flying in on the other side at the same time

 Even Evan was curious.

Ruth and I walked to Joan's and for a few seconds thought Kabur might have died. Joan told us, "No he just found some deer legs and is busy chewing on them". He brought one over for us to see, very proud of his find.

Right after the walk I started browning the 45 pounds of ground beef. I had almost finished at 10:20 am when the couple that were coming to see the trailer at 11:00 sent a message that they had arrived and were up by the trailer.  The Wolf Pup is now sold. They were pretty thrilled with it.
As Joan was with mom this morning until noon I had time to run to the bank with the cash and on the way home stopped and filled up the car. That took all of 9 gallons. We are leaving early in the morning for DeSoto, MO with the pick up and that was out of gas so that was the next job. Take that to Casy's and fill that up. That is quite a different story. At least it wasn't empty or it would have been well over a hundred dollars to fill that.
Instead I got by with only spending $95.97. UGH there goes the credit card bill. I'm thankful that job got done but I'm sure I will need to fill it again tomorrow.  Tarah and her young son Timothy stopped by while I was at mom's.  Timmy had fun making funning faces at mom.  When Karin came I drove to Sam's club to pick up a few items for mom's house, more cuties, salsa, sour cream, guacamole and a big bag of ice. Paid for it all and walked out without the ice. Thankfully I remembered before I drove off, grabbed a cart and walked in the out door showed the girl that checked me out that I had forgotten the ice. It was needed tonight for the family night dinner. That dinner went well, there was plenty of food and this time I was short of nothing. Mark had to make an extra trip home, we couldn't find the queso cheese so he drove all the way home to grab the one in the fridge and just then Joan found the queso in with the lettuce. He made it back in plenty of time to help with the serving. Jay and Jacky Braker told their harrowing story of their scuba diving accident. IF you would like to watch and hear it click HERE.  Mark and I left right after it was over. The car needed to be unloaded, left over food put away and the dishes done. So many BIG dishes that won't fit in the dish washer. 

Thankful for that dishwasher too. I'm amazed at how much I can stuff into that and it all comes clean.
A special thanks to Joan, Faith, Mackenson and Berlica for helping carrying everything in and with the set up. David and Stephanie for helping with set up and keeping the bowls full and then the wonderful ladies of the church for all the help with clean up.  Our church family is amazing.

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