Emily and I started early. Zulu and Ravyn's Heart were turned out in the side paddock to get some exercise before the transport company arrived. But to be able to turn them out Ayanna had to be locked in the pond pasture. Those foals were glad to run.

The transport company was suppose to arrive between 9:00 am and 10:00 am which was exactly the time Dr. Hoerr was suppose to arrive for sonagrams and Pat with Whisper for her sonagram. Pat made it first, Whisper was teased and showing but Pat wanted Dr. Hoerr to find out when would be the best time to breed her. Dr. Hoerr arrived and found that Whisper had just ovulated. Pat took Whisper to the breeding stand while Emily handled Evan. I was holding Hadassah for her ultrasound when Zulu's ride to New Orleans arrived. Hadassah is in season now with a 45 mm follicle. We decided to breed her to Killian as Evan had already been used and Valiant is her brother. Emily put Evan away and led out Zulu to the trailer. He impressed the drivers when he stepped right in. Emily gave him some hay then came in to help with the next 2 sonagrams. We are very pleased to announce Zalena, Eliza and Ribbon are now pregnant. Zalena and Eliza by Evan and Ribbon by Valiant. Unfortunately we will have to have Ribbon rechecked. Last year she was carrying twins, one was pinched off but then the other didn't make it. Well this time it looked like she was pregnant with triplets. Ribbon is so fertile we have a tough time getting a foal out of her. Mares are not designed for multiple births. Twins can happen but most of the time one or both die and the mother becomes infertile.
The next job was to give baths. Holly was first, she doesn't like to be bathed but tolerates it with patience. Rhoda arrived while we were working on her and snapped the picture below.
Ravyn's Heart was the next one bathed and unlike Holly, Heart LOVES her bath. She stands still even when Emily is washing her face.
Check out her beautiful tail. It is so thick, long, curly and soft.
We made sure she has a clean heart.
The next job on the list was to head to Middle Grove to pick up Sissy, Star and Twilight. Sissy will be going to Oklahoma with her daughter and Twilight needs to be weaned. We drove to the original land so Emily could borrow Karin's 4 wheeler then she met me at the new land gate and off we went to find the herd. We came over the hill to see them in the valley all clumped together napping.
The horses were all glad to see us coming down the hill. While Emily went to get the two mares I started snapping pictures.
Above is Indy in the front, Anna to the left and Prissy right. Below is Sangria and Promise.
Above is Rhiannon and below is Sheena in the front of Sissy, Cookie and Emma
Twilight has such a thick mane it stands straight up like a Fjord. She has so much hair but it is slowing coming off and she is shiny black underneath.
Oksana above is looking grown up at only 2 years old. Indy below was bored with the entire photo shoot.

It took a while to lead Sissy, Star and Twilight back to the trailer. Sheena kept running up trying to get them to go back and Oksana followed us all the way to the trailer. We were really pleased with the loading process. Star and Sissy loaded first, Twilight thought about it, figured out how high she needed to jump to get in and made it. Emily stayed at Middle Grove to pick up rocks for Mike while I took the mares home. They were unloaded and moved into the pond pasture. By this time it was after 5:00 pm and Mark was already home. Since I knew I would be late getting home I asked Sarah if she would make stir fry for dinner. The house smelled great when I walked in and the food tasted even better. After dinner we started moving more manure. Mark ran the spreader while I ran the skid loader. We finished most of the pile in Ribbon's paddock. I had to take the bucket off and put the bale spear on for the next job, which was moving 2 new bales in the Middle paddock. Emily arrived back from Middle Grove as we were moving the second bale in. She put Killian back and opened the back gate.
It is now after 10:00 and I am so ready for bed. The house is a mess, no dishes or laundry got done but it was a good day!