Melanie Mattix showed up to see Super right after Valiant was put away. She wanted to see what training Super has had. Steven lunged him for her, saddled and bridled him then Melanie asked to take him for a walk around the pond. This went well enough she asked to see someone on him. This is what we do when we have visitors, we ask THEM to TRAIN our horses. Melanie was game for climbing up and Super got a bit of a training session.

Steven moved in 2 new round bales both in the middle paddock. Ribbon has destroyed another round bale feeder. They just don't make horse round bale feeders strong enough for draft horses and cow feeders which are plenty strong rip out manes. I REALLY need to come up with a home made system.
Mark took my phone down to Meister's today, we are changing all the phones from Sprint to US Cell which gets better reception here at the farm. He brought my new phone home tonight and I haven't a clue how to set up voice mail or even make a call. Trying to read the booklet the type is so small old people's eyes (or at least people in their later 50s) can't focus and I can't read it. Where are my kids when they are needed.
Ruth and Fede butchered 3 lambs and gave each of us a shoulder that I cooked for dinner tonight. This was a special treat, even our dogs think so, they are enjoying gnawing on the bones.
The picture below is Nancy right after she found Spark during lunch at church yesterday. She is always SO happy to see her brothers.

And as long as I was down loading pictures off the camera, the 2 below are of Rhoda doing a bit of training on our 2 year old Ciera.

This morning the windmill was gleaming brightly in the sunshine but I didn't have my camera with me on the walk so had to go out this evening and snap this picture.

It's up but not yet working.
So far we have only had 2 trick or treaters.