Today after Lily was covered by Raven, I turned her and Ciera out into the field. Salena was impatiently waiting by the gate, asking me to turn her loose also. I finally got over to turn her out and she took off running. Her colt though decided to 'help' me with the water buckets. Salena got all the way out to the field before she realized her colt wasn't with her and boy did she panic. She came thundering back, ran right past me into her paddock calling. The funny thing was the boy was with me, not in the paddock. Once she realized where he was she came over to get him and they sedately walked out into the field. The colt wasn't worried at all. Sangria is now with the Lily and Salena and she slowly waddled out to the field. I don't remember her EVER being this big. She is not bagged up yet but by looking at her, one would think she will pop if she doesn't foal soon. I'm doing a lot of praying about her. Dr. Hoerr said just because one foal presents wrong does not mean it will happen again and that I should breed her back as her foals are spectacular. Her last foal was born 2 years ago, he had to be pulled as both of his front legs were folded down. I remember it as if it was yesterday and NEVER want to go through that again. I was sure we were going to lose her and the colt and when the colt was born alive I could hardly believe it. She started labor at midnight and by 10 minutes after I knew we were in trouble. I tried to reach in and find the legs but was not strong enough to push against Sangria's contractions. Then I started calling vets. I couldn't get hold of Dr. Hoerr and called every vet in Peoria. None of them would come, they are not large animal vets. I called Mike, my sister Diane's husband and Horsemeister partner and he called my brother-in-law, Fedi and both came to help. Fedi was able to push the foal back in to work on bringing up the legs, he got one leg up, then I finally reached Dr. Hahn out of Canton but he was doing a C section on a cow and couldn't come but he gave me the name of the Wyoming vet clinic and they got to our place by 2:11am and the colt was pulled out by 2:20am. I know she is just a mare but I'm praying her delivery will be easy and the foal perfect.
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