The cotton candy machine made it back to Bridlewood today. I've been praying about who to call to get the thing repaired and how to go about it when... the thought came, call Concession Specialists where all the supplies come from. They are more than happy to take a look at it and give me an estimate on getting the thing repaired and if it is reasonable, repair it. The best part is Karin can drop it off on her lunch hour sometime next week when she is back to work. Karin is currently in Gulf Shores, AL enjoying her Easter break and she doesn't know what soon will be asked of her and yet I have all confidence she would be willing so made the arrangements. Yesterday the person in charge of vacation Bible school asked if they could borrow the machine in June, and what does one say when the machine is broken? Now the answer will be obvious, yes if it is repaired, not this machine if it cannot be repaired or perhaps Dan & Spark's but then I'd have to run theirs as that only runs on emergency heat and must be watched carefully so the sugar doesn't burn.
Steven came up with some name suggestions for the 2 colts.
For Clara's colt: Donovan which means Dark Warrior
For Paris' colt: Caden, a city in France.
Sue thought of: Sampson, Phantom or Flurry, although Flurry is out, there is a purebred Friesian stallion with that name.
Anyone interested, I Need some feedback I like them all.
those are really cool names, and yes I'll take the cotton candy machine to galesburg, no prob..